Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my computer seems to be gettin' progressively shittier. It seems that my 4 gig hardrive along with numerous viruses has rendered my computer to a humming, glowing piece of shit. Gotta get it fixed sometime...

Well it seems the cunts at the gas company have turned off our heat, so now I can't take a hot shower to...
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Hmmm... well it seems that those Smoke Away pills actually work, so I guess I won't be shovin' them up anybody's anal cavities. They work so well that I feel sick just bein' around 'em. Nonetheless... they are effective. Yeps, other than that nothin' new. Damn... I thought for some reason today was the 8th... Mother's Day is today. What the fuck should I get...
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I love your tats, annnnnnnnnnnnnd I'm so glad you aren't reliant on the cancer-fags anymore. biggrin

Today is definitely mother's day. Mark and I were going to go do stuff, but I forgot about Mother's Day, so I think he will be otherwise occupied. smile

Come see me!
Aww... I shall come see ya' soon. So since I quit smokin' do I get congrats sex?
Well it has been about a week since my last damn cigarette... and I still want one dammit. I finally went out today and bought that Smoke Away crap. Usually I don't trust anything cunts try to sell me off TV but my friend tried it and it worked for him. It really isn't that I don't have the will power to quit on my...
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You would be amazed how many pills I went through this month. biggrin
Yep, another day of work done. Didn't suck too bad since I was pulling DVDs, so basically I read the backs the whole time. Still haven't had a cigarette... want one though. Fuck... I need to get a hobby... I hate hobbies.
Smoking isn't a hobby, so you shouldn't need one to replace it. biggrin
Hmmm... true. Need something to replace smokin' though. I mean what do I do at the times when I would be smokin'?
Grrr... why the bloody fuck did I ever decide to fuckin' quit smokin'?!? Really... is my health that important? I mean if I don't get a fuckin' cigarette soon it isn't my health people gotta' be worried about. Man... I would club a baby seal with a baby for a cancer stick right now. Grrr... gotta' be strong and all that rot... I made a...
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*w00t* So my initial night here I slept in my car. Other than that things have been fairly enjoyable. I have done stuff and stuff is always fun. For instance, I watched, "Stutturing Stuff the Impotent Trucker". It was a dramatic story about a struggling trucker who has to overcome a speech impediment, sexual impotency, and a snowballin' prostitute. Yeps, you guessed it... Improv. Trucker...
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2:30 AM
So I made it to Clemson and here I am in the all-too familiar Architecture Library smokin' a depleting supply of cigarettes. Why am I doin' this you ask? Well 'cause I don't really have anywhere else to go. Bein' the genius that I am, I have come to visit near Exams Week... meanin' people who are actually still in school are all...
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Awww... I totally understand. Don't want you to do that. I mean look at what happened to me. I am like that fuckin' fried egg in those drug commercials. Yeah... made no sense to me either.
Awwwwwwww, now WE are in your picture. biggrin
*w00t* So I finally got off my lazy ass and renewed my membership. Be honored that you were priviledged enough to witness my prophesized return. Actually, I doubt any of ya' give a bloody crap. Its ok though, I still love ya'.

Not much has happened. Had a mental breakdown, dropped out of Clemson, and am now livin' at home with the parents and workin'...
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Also: he had sex. Don't forget that important feature!!! MUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAA!
Ha! I am your only friend.
Heh~ seems I am developing an unhealthy relationship with fire. I tried setting a book on fire at my work and my boss put it out right when it was gettin' fun. He said if the Big Boss saw me do that I would get canned. The only problem this was not the first time. You would think I would learn my lesson... but burnin'...
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oh totally! one of my favorite things to do is spray hairspray on a table and light it on fire, thats uber fun biggrin
Man... silence sucks. I am sittin' in my room with no music or TV and it just seems so fuckin' absent. Have I became so dependent on noise and music? I mean I have just been sittin' her for like five minutes and it is drivin' me fuckin' crazy. Whenever this happens I always end up playin' a little soundtrack in my head... cyclin' through...
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