its been a while since i last dropped by here. did you miss me? ha!

i've been a bit over technology lately and have been spending my time painting and sewing and and sleeping.

i'm trying to get a a little inspiration back. i haven't painted since mid last year (a starwars collection for andy for his birthday)... trying my hand at oils this time,...
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Heck yeah, I'd hang out with somebody for like $500 if they didn't completely suck.
I'm looking for someone that can draw this camera for me so I can get it tattooed.
Just landed a job in a massage therapy clinic! Woo! This expensive formal training is paying off! I'm going to love this!

Cooked a tasty dinner for me and andy tonight and gave him a massage... He fell asleep on the table haha! He even snored a tiny bit biggrin

I'm cutting class tomorrow to do some study for my exams next week and to enrole...
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Thanks! I hope all is well with you. It sounds like it by your recent blog. I'll be in Brisbane from Thursday next week, until Monday if you want to say hi. I'll be working at the brisbane mana bar on thirs, fri, sat.
That's awesome news smile how exciting. Hope you're well, would love to catch up sometime soon, now that I'm working back in Brisbane it's convenient for catching up with people smile
Sometimes change is really shit. Today I miss girly sentimental shit with an old friend.

On another note, I got a kitty today! Well he isn't really a kitty, he's more like a cat. And his name is Errol. He's pretty awesome and ridiculously cute!

Had dinner with mj, matty and nyssa tonight. Great to catch up.

Someone on this train smells really strongly of...
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Yay for cats! What a cute name!
Thanks babe smile

Going to book in soon for the final touches. Background and a bit extra on the hand
strange phone call and texts from some random, claiming he knows me and acting all surprised that i didn't know who he was and that i didn't have his number in my phone. knew my name (so no coincidence) and when asked how he knows me, he replied 'woodies'. which means he a) shopped at the same record store as me when i was 15,...
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Long time, no see!
I'm currently in Melbourne, and its been an one gigantic arse hole of a christmas/new years. Though the Christmas bar lock in I went too was memorable tongue
I'll bwe working new years as well, at my bar. It's a closed event / Party, so I'll be pretty happy serving myself and everyone else booze!

I hope you've been well!

So... yesterday was day one of study! what a time to start huh?!? summer school - right before christmas and a heap of birthdays, including my own! but what better time to start than right now!

i'm loving it, but the main thing i'm finding difficult is sitting still for 4 hour blocks... at least that will really only be monday mornings - anatomy and...
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I'm so excited for you. I'm jealous infact hehe. I applied for a course the other day, but I haven't paid for it yet. I'm waiting to hear about this job, and then I'll know what my options are...I so far haven't made the right decisions, so breaking the pattern and studying might be the way to go. But then I'm scared hehe! Scared of being poor when I have rent, car, and loan repayments. I'll be able to earn almost as much as I am now working full time, 'if' I could find a part time/casual job on the side...which has proven to be difficult down here.
Some exciting news! I applied and got accepted into a Traditional Chinese medicine and remedial massage course... And i start in a weeks time! Excited and nervous at the same time! The assignment writing frightens me but learning new, interesting things will be great!

More good news! Andy is doing much better! He is just having a bit more time off work and band. So...
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Feeling really down at the mo. Andy has has a short hospital stay due to chest pain. He is fine... Not his heart, but lots of tests to work out what's wrong and they still can't tell us. He has been visiting his folks on the coast for the past few days, to have some down time. I've hardly heard from him and when I...
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Sounds like Andy's a bit like me. As soon as something gets hectic I go straight into my turtle shell. Don't over think, it won't be as bad as you're probably thinking.
Grrrrrrr men don't realise how much it makes us paranoid/concerned/worried when they don't keep in contact tongue In this case I'm sure it's just amplified because he is not well. I'm sure it's probably just because his mind is elsewhere, wondering what the hell is wrong with him?! *hugs*
They say that change is as good as a holiday...
I'm thinking that really, I need both. I need a holiday to clear my head and help me decide what my change will be. I feel like I've done all I can/want to do with hairdressing, and I'm so very tired and bored with it all. Makeup is my next choice but the course that...
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Academy of make up looked pretty good, they cover a bit of everything.... although the price might be a bit much. The teachers there had a great deal of experience as well.
Cheers smile

yeah that sfx studio looks good especially coz it is solely to do with prosthetics, never came across that one. Will have to inform the missus about it.
Tomorrow I'm catching up with an old school friend who I haven't seen in about 14 years! I'm so excited! We were basically joined at the hip throughout school and both went our separate ways after finishing our senior year. Having breakfast together with one of her brothers who I was also friends with back then. CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!! biggrin
Thank you for your caring thoughts.
That means a lot to me.
I am sorry you lost a pet as well a month ago.
My dog's litter-mate/brother had to be put down 6 months ago to cancer.
This has all happened since I moved to another state, so I havent gotten to say goodbye to either.
But thank you again!
Sometimes it's awesome rekindling friendships like that, you can pick up right where you left off!!! But I've also found that sometimes people change so much it just ends up being incredibly awkward lol tongue I hope it went well!!
gah! new bolg lost into the abyss. frick!

now you only get a short recap whats been happening lately because i can't be bothered writing much more.

participated in the Brisbane Zombie Walk yesterday. had SO much fun! went as a Stepford wives zombie with some friends. made my costume using a 1952 pattern. used green with white polkadot fabric. and also a white apron...
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Very sad day today. I have big red puffy eyes. I look like I could do with a good sleep (and it's true, I really could).
My mum took our 20 year old cat, tash bear, to the vet this morning. She was told that my kitty had suffered a stroke through the early hours of the morning. Since the bleed was only going to...
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Aloha... We're going to 'the pole gym' up in Lawnton, and I dnt think i'l ever attempt inverts at this rate! Ha! I suck soOo fantastically ^_^
It's disturbingly adictive tho!? Where do u go?
Thank you smile

I'm sorry for your loss as well frown It's especially rough when its unexpected like that
I got some shitty news today. My cat who is 20 years old is probably not going to make it thru the night. She started fitting today and I'm stuck at work and can't be with her. My mum is at home with her tho. I just want to go home.

I move I to my new place on tuesday. Really looking forward to it,...
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Good luck with your cat, love. I hope you can go home soon.
I'll keep my fingers crossed about your business loan!!
Losing a pet is never easy. Especially after such a long time. Much love lady and good luck<3 Keen for some house warming when I get home. De ja vu?