Hmm, school is finally over, and I was relieved... except for today when they pissed me off. I went to go pick up my grad class portrait, report card, and apparently they had some money for me. So I was hoping it'd be soemthing significant, but no, it was bloody $6. What's even the point of them giving me that? I don't care. But mainly...
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that is a great car, you look very beautiful...don't be gone too long smile
hey how are you doing?
Nice hair! So things are going good for you?
So I'm graduating in about 2 weeks eeek It's very exciting. Today I'm going to my bf's house to get my hair done... As practice kinda, 'cause his mom hasn't done finger waves in a long time. I suppose it's not in huge demand. haha. but I'm totally into old fashions of coolness.
Speaking of which, Joey, my sister's bf, gave me my grad present early...
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Congrats zombie. GL. wink
Man, when the bf is upset with you and you're slowly trying to work it out but don't get time to talk much, so it seems like you're just friends.... it really doesn't help that you feel like ravaging him the entire time because he just hasss to be so bloody hot.
Fuck you, taunting me with your hotness. blackeyed
*sigh* BF issues are the shits... uber times.
So hopefully they get fixed soon 'cause it's a bad time to have anxiety.... I'm gradding in like 3 weeks and I'm moving in 1.5, so I'd like some happiness.
Love is a silly silly thing my friends, and sometimes people get really hurt over stupid things. Ok, so maybe it was my fault and it was...
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I am with you on that... why is everything so complicated? there's no simplicity when it comes to love.... gone are the days of simple crushes and moving on the next day confused

kisses better
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Wooo, camping was so much fun.
It was really cool 'cause it kind of made me get to know my friends alot better, since I haven't known them as long as some others. And it was funny 'cause our little campsite, just happened to have all the gay kids in it... So that's me(though I'm not fully hah) and Devan, and Nikki & Brianne(who are...
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Yayyyy, I'm going camping this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin
It's gonna be sooo fun! With all my friends... Yeah, I'm excited.
I've never gone on a friends camping trip... (loser) haha, I never had alot of friends to go with, so yay.

And my Ella kitty is healing... Crazy leg... But at least she didn't need surgery. We were pretty worried there for a while that she would,...
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I hope you had fun camping. Glad to hear your cat is getting better.

Later. biggrin
After 'work' yesterday my mom picked me up and when we got home Cam(my uncle who we are renting from) was over fixing up the house for selling(boooo) And of course he had his dog, Rocky, over because he always needs to be watched and taken care of (he gets siezures alot) So Cam was working on the basement and therefore my cat's litter box...
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I hope your cat gets better.
So I found out that I won't be getting a job with Shoppers like I wanted to..
Buggers... But Celeste(a friend of mine who just got hired there) seems to think they'll need more help in the summer, so it's silly that I wouldn't be hired.
I guess I'll apply there after school ends....
Bugger that.
I'm still gonna keep doing some work experience there,...
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You could always join me in the ranks of professional shotgun bearers for southern weddings. It only gets ugly when the groom trys to run, but you get hazard pay for that. biggrin
lol, that's fabulous! I've always wanted a gun. blush
Lastnight was weird.... Ryan had come back from Edmonton the day before because things didn't turn out well and his dad turned out to be a big cunt.
But pretty much the next day the rest of his family here went all pissy on him and made him feel like shit.
So he called me lastnight when I was visiting my sister and he sounded...
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Glad you're happy. biggrin
Glad to see you care biggrin
Today was pretty rad, I went shopping with some of the fam, plus Seth, and it was fun. We traded in some old CDs, for possibly older, but more enjoyable CDs. I got Silver Chair - Freakshow, and the Clash - Combat Rock.
I can't wait to give those a good listening to. biggrin
Then we were roaming downtown Nanaimo and I discovered a new shop...
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the clash is always good.

waves hi

havn't seen you on the site before thought id say hi.
Lastnight, I watched A History of Violence.... first off, really wierd movie and just.... too much visuals with the sex. It was kinda embarassing really...
So at one point in the movie, his wife is uber pissed off at him because he's not who he says he is adn they end up fighting, while she's trying to go up the stairs. Lots of slapping and...
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people fuck for all sorts of reasons
That's the best type of sex, ruff fight-club style sex. Haha. wink