Happy v-day boys and girls.
Im doing it single this year frown So hope your days are better than mine.

Byebye all
Hey suicide people.
Checking in to see how every ones week has been.
Mine has been pretty good so far. School is going good, my second week so far and still loving it.
Tell me how everything has been going for you.

Well bye for now everyone.
Hey suicide people

For those of you who read this I figured i would give you a look into me.
Im one of those girls with a kind heart, a sweet smile and loving eyes.
I give all i can to make those around me happy even though I might be screaming on the inside.
Love is what I look for. But the one I...
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sweet smile,for sure!!!!!
Hello hello. Its 2013. New year, fresh start.
Hope everyone partied it up last night and hope the hang overs aren't to bad.
I spent my new years eve working my butt off until 4am. So I know most of you had more fun than me.
Wishing everyone a happy new years day and hope your year starts off amazing.

Bye for now Suicide People kiss
the best for you !!!!!!
Happy New Year to you as well!!