In the world we live in today, being loved is way to much to ask for. I want to find someone to love me for the weird and strange woman that I am. I am a loyal woman and sometimes I forgive way to much and I think that hurts me more than anything, some people just never change. As wild and weird as I...
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I realize this afternoon that I feel 100 times more appreciated on SG, to the members of SG than to my actual friends that I see everyday. Is that normal? Is there something wrong with me that people in person can not make a connection with me? Can anyone answer these questions for me?

Mean while in the world of Zombabe, my exboyfriend has been...
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Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy are right...no men are faithful... but I'm kinda' learning to be in an open relationship

Merry christmas and happy holidays.

Hope everyone is having a good one.

Did you get everything you wanted?

Having a good time with family and friends?

Hope all is well with everyone.


Hey everyone. I wanna know somethings:

What are your plans this christmas?

What did you ask for?

What are you hoping for?

And who on SG(model, hopeful or just a member) would you wanna see under your christmas tree?

Have a good one. Keep the smiles on. And love tattooed women.


Hey ladies and gentlemen....

Should I stay on SG? Or should I go?

How many people think I could be a SG hopeful in the future?

Questions, questions, questions.

Some new friends would be nice. So get at me.

I think you should stay that is my opinion and i am sticking to it

Well Happpy Hallloween Ghouls And Tools. Hope you guys and girls are all having a great night. Party hard but dont drink and drive. BE SAFE!!!!!!


I have finally set myself free of the one person who was bringing me down so greatly. I am a little hurt but in the long run i know its better for me.

Anyone wanna chat?

been there, it sucks, doesn't it? on one hand your brain knows this is right, this is good, but your heart, well, it wants what it wants. and that is the hardest part, denying your heart what it wants. 
Definitely tough, but hopefully you will start to feel better once it all sets in.