Sunday Morning! Im bored! once again
have a kids party i have to go to tomorrow! what fun! lol my son does not want to go either! lol

ohh i fuckin hate christmas!
doing my head in! i dont know when exactly i became a miserable bastard!
I think im heading for some kinda mental breakdown!

whats it all about??

Christmas is nearly here! Lucky enough my missus started doing present shopping last January! All presents are now bought paid for and wrapped and sitting in different sections for my family, her family, friends,kids, friends of our kids, enemies! Only joking...we havnt got the kids any presents!!!

We have family coming over to ours on Boxing day! Cant wait ..I have been waiting to...
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i went to erotica 98! lol long time ago!

i like it when i go to other people's houses at xmas! eat and drink then go home! nice
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Your missus is seriously well organised, can I borrow her for Xmas next year?! wink
well been and come back from Bangkok......................what a mental fucking place! great fun my kids got attacked nearly...........the thais have an obsession with blonde kids! wanting there photos taken with them! you really have to keep hold of the kids or someone will walk off with them... not in a nasty way but maybe wanting to show a friend over the road or something! bizarre!...
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your a very brave girl!

and have a gorgeous baby!

now the fun starts! lol
sounds great smile
well just a little over two weeks to go before I set off to Thailand! Just had my injections today! Been looking for a half decent Hotel to stay in in Bangkok (any recommendations??)
Gonna ring up the airline tomorrow and try and get seats prebooked , because we are taking out two kids with us, Jack is 4 and Harrison just over 1 we...
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enjoy thailand. good luck with the flight eeek
lol well i think my holiday in Thailand in 4 weeks is looking rather shakey! My brother is getting married in bangkok..........I think it might still be ok to go out........i cant see much trouble gonna happen!
Been talking to my brother over in Bangkok, he says not much has changed so looks like the trip is still on! I was holding out to see if i could get the hotel cheaper..but alas no... they are still charging the same! never mind
I feel like shit, i have a horrible chesty cough, and im being dragged along to a horse show today! Did i mention im allegic to horses! Ohh well there's worse things i could be doing today! I doint know fuckin what?? but there must be something worse. Back at work tomorrow oh what fun and joy.
But just over 4 weeks that im off...
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Nah, I'm going to try for one of those natural "no drug" births. We'll have to see how long that lasts huh?!
i give you 20 mins
Thursday wow what a day! Until wednesday afternoon I had the most oerfect day planned for today! Then I got a message which basically fucked all my plans up! Ohh well I can always make the perfect day happen again sometime!!!
Drove to work in my old VW camper van today! its nice when its ok weather! Its gonna be bloody cold in the winter...
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how long has it been since i left anything on here?
I'm off to Bangkok in about 4 weeks. My brothers wedding! Cant wait for the stag nite!!! lol will be ...lets just say interesting.
Been at a new job 3 months now, and the contract has been extended to the end on Feb! Which is great!
My Beetle is nearly all legal now! just...
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