My grandfather fell and broke his hip last week, now he's recovering and being a cranky old bastard. So back to his normal self.
Aw... I'm sorry to hear about your Grandfather. Good to see you have a sense of humour about it.
Anyhow, I know clubs aren't really your thing, so probably won't see you on Saturday~ but I wanted to let you know we'll be thinking of you smile
My camera has arrived and is waiting for me to go play with it. I'm expecting some sort of memory card for photo/video exchange, but am unsure of the specifics.
Holy. Shit.

Woo I want to see what you got! If you need advice I'm here. If it takes SD cards you just need to make sure you have one of the fastest available right now and it'll write both photo and HD video with no problems. (I recommend Lexmark or Panasonic cards. SanDisk are widely recommended but I've had a few corrupt on me). Hopefully that was actually what you were talking about, otherwise ignore me.
There's some random person who's never written anything to me or even that I know of posted on the same groups wanting to be my friend. Does that really work?
Hah. Yeah... I get those every now and again. I really don't get it.
I have to say so far the olympics have been much less of a bother than expected. There's actually less foot traffic than normal ono the road that I work on and with it blocked off to traffic most of the time some of the guys at work have taken to playing road hockey during lunch.
Game On!
Road hockey during lunch? In Yaletown?

That's the best idea I've heard in years.

Seriously, I may have to come play.
Apparently someone at capones organized a tournament of sorts, fun to be had by all.
The olympics are almost upon us. It's time to build a wall of pointy sticks so that we might hiss at the tourists as they come rampaging through our very nearly fair city. Still hoping to get enough work done to take that week off, but it's looking less and less likely.
I'm literally ramping up as we speak and will be commuting daily to work with a client that just moved down town. Why oh why couldn't they have waited until AFTER the Olympics?

I have no idea.

I made it, family birhtdays are over for another few months.
My sisters kids were screaming monsters as usual and my aunts dog was well behaved as usual. In a strange coincidence me and my mom ended up at the same screening for sherlock holmes as my sister and her sister in law saw, but didn't find out about it till the next day. With...
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Congratulations, your freedom is well earned. smile
So days I spend at my full time job, it's good, fascinating work with a great final result and good people. Then there's the contract work, it's boring as shit but pays amazingly. So now all I need to do is manage to actually do the contract work rather than just sit here staring at it and wishing it would go away. And of course...
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Right there with you, brother.
Seems it's been some time since I had anything to say on here. As of today it's been 5 months since the water coming through the wall plumbing incident and the insurance company has finally declared itself finished. I moved from the social wasteland on the fourth floor of work up to the middle of a bunch of good people on the fifth floor. And...
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Hey man, Merry Christmas.

See you soon!
The curvy escalator is inside the River Rock casino... It was pretty exciting in a really silly way. Who is this little miss you speak of?
Further to giving up on retail stores amazon managed to get heroes season 3 to me on release day, not just shipped but actually in my hands. When combined with actually having the other things I wanted to order in stock it causes me glee. They win my buisness for this feat of not sucking.

Heroes marathon soon then.

May need to do Dexter first though. Or BSG...

Gah! Can't decide...
More and more I'm giving up on retail stores, it seems like whenever I got into them they're rather direct me to their website than sell me anything there anyways.
I tried to work retail for a hot minute...what was I thinking? lol
Hope to dazzle you with my mad drumming skill again soon! wink
Funny you should mention it but I had that exact experience about 40 minutes ago. "No, we don't carry that item you've been buying from us on and off for 8 years but you can order it from our website"

Joining us tonight, yes?