Yay! I'm a waitress! I started 2 weeks ago.


Aw. Good luck with the acting career!
Thanks! I don't even care about trying to make tons of money...I just want to have fun playing pretend! XD
So, Obama won.

Anything new/cool happen in your country today?

WOOHOO!! biggrin
So, I had changed my eating habits (for the most part) and in about a week and a half's time I managed to already drop 5lbs. I hadn't even started working out yet. I'm still really struggling to workout. It's a combination of being sore from year-old car accident injuries, having a lack of motivation, and depression. Not severe depression though....I'm just impatient with the...
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Hey smile I know that problem, maybe try different activities and then you will find out what kind of sport do you like. To have fun is always motivating. smile
Has anyone else felt the undying urge to choke a bitch out, who STILL talks about you, even though you've said nothing to or about him/her in MONTHS? I never even did anything from the start.

Its sad, really. They say that I need to grow up, yet they're stalking my posts, and trying to make fun of me, and my looks.

Honey, take...
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I constantly feel the need to choke a bitch out. Just ignore em & look damn good doing it! smile
I'm pretty good at ignoring this mentally deranged peon most weeks, but there's always a week moment here and there. But I'll look damn good as I rage and as I stroll!
I just bleached my (growing) undercut, and my eyebrows and damn do I feel good!

No...you can still see my eyebrows. I just lightened them to go better with the blonde hair. XD
I've lost a whole group of friends over these past few years.
I lost 2.
That I used to have great times with, for years.
We all get served some awesomely horrible shit pie.
No one wants it, but we still have to fucking eat it.
I just lost my best friend of nearly 10 years, because she's a fucking psychotic mess, and it hurts...
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I really don't appreciate getting repetitive creeper emails, from ugly men who show their dick online.

1. Do you see ME uploading any remotely provocative pictures on here? No.

2. Do I blog about how horny I am, and how much I need some fat cock in my life? No.

3. Do I HONESTLY seem like the kind of girl who's into internet perverts? I...
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i hope now is complete clear that you dont want creepy emails !!!!
lol Thankfully they happen super rarely, but I doubt they'll completely go away. Not everyone reads blogs...many just look a the pics.

Oh well!
So, I'm pretty sure I've just lost my best friend.
We haven't seen much of each other this past year, and she recently started ignoring me completely.

Apparently this just "aren't the same". She feels uneasy when around me....But this isn't completely my fault. Sure, I've been rather abrasive lately, but she's also become a pretty unhealthy person. Her anxiety is out of control, she's...
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This is pretty much how all of my breakups go. I've lost a few friends like this though too, we just drift apart until it's spoiled and past due. I feel like I've done something to push them out because they do things that just make me feel like crap, like they are all the sudden against me. In the end though I realize it's just how they are and it has little or nothing to do with me. I am myself, unique in everyway, and I've learned to be okay with that. The more I'm just me and selective about who I let into my life, the better friends I have, and the less things like this happen. I guess in the end what I'm saying is, I think I know how you feel, and I hope things get better soon. smile
Lexx. If you haven't seen it, and are a fan of sci fi, then watch it. It's so awful, but I'm hooked. Halfway through season 2.....keep in mind; It started in 1997, so the graphics suck, but I've been told they improve. Ran til 2002 I think.


THE FINAL SEASON = More WTF than previous seasons combined