Wow. WTF new SG sets? What happened to the sets that used to say something? When the girls would actually do some kinda activity or base their set on something and work with that? A lot of these new sets can be renamed "standing around not really doing anything" and it would still fit. ::sigh:: bok
FInals are over, school's over for this semester, I'm happy. Now I just need a well-paying job for the summer along with a couple of classes and I'll be all set. bok
You are
My love and my life
My heart and my soul
Just trying to keep the world
From smashing, crashing in
Thank you for your comment on my set!
"Oh Lord, if you're listening, HELP!!!"
- Sir Smokalot

When it's all said and done, at the end of the day you gotta getcha walk on...
I have this strange, relatively new obsession with PBnJ sammiches. It took a new turn last night when I had a dream about them. It was a dream in which I was wanting a PBnJ really badly for my lunch break at work (I work at GFS which is a smaller version of Sam's Club that's open to the public) so I went into the...
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i had a similar pb and j "phase" for a year when i was 20. grape or strawberry?
strawberry, same here. its like...we're TWINS
"So how's school treatin ya, Chuck?" - Zach
"Oh, it's treatin me." - Me, in response

That sums up everything as of now.
Wow. School really sucks. APRIL FOOLS!! Oh wait, that was yesterday, and I'm actually serious: school really does suck. bok
Thank you. It was fun to look through them and see how much I've grown up. And school does suck, always. It's a rule. biggrin
It's really weird but I keep seeing how quickly life can just be taken away. Another of my friends died recently. I'm going back home to the funeral, but damn... why are people dying? He was only 20. They found him in his apartment. The one before that had cancer. I used to skate with him. ::sigh:: What's going on? bok
i'm sorry about your friend. frown it's very sobering and humbling.

thank you for the lovely set comment!
thanks for the comment on my set!! smile
Wow. School is the suck. I'm taking all the same classes as last semester (yeah, it was pretty bad) and now I'm bored as hell. It's not like I didn't learn anything in the classes or pay attention at all. It's just I have a terrible memory and it's hard for me to remember important things so I tend to clam up on tests. I...
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I know it might not pay as much, but have you thought about work study?