So a little bit of an update and food for thought.

It looks like I won't be able to goto london because I had to put 1200 buckaroos into my car and that was basically the price of the plane ticket, so unless I can pool together like 2,500 in a month and a halfish? I won't be going.

And now food for thought.

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aawwww man london would be the sit!!!! kiss
oooh yes love... i totally lagged on that.... i think i have our old email... i know med black zip up... and u said i can use whatever screens? i still havent gotten a pic of you in the last shirt..... hello? lol
It's been a rough couple of weeks

I was in a real downer moment and am pretty sure I brought a few people down with to those people I apologize, other than that not much is going on, it goes as follows.

1. My car is kinda broken I guess the front right wheel needs to be fixed so I should have that taken care...
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I think it's a direct product of severe sleep deprivation.

Where in England are you vacationing?
mmm, I wish I had the time for the amounts of sleep I need. At this point, I'm relying on mass quantities of caffeine and constant mental stimulation...
I'm so emotinally spent....

I thought this was gonna be the year I didn't have to spend valentines day alone but it was all to good to be true, funny how life works out this just really gives me so much more motivation to move away from everything and everybody and just start over make new friends make new choices all sorts of stuff cause...
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oh yes, trust me. i know the feeling.
but hang in there *hug*
i hope you find what or who you/re looking for to be happy xo
I love photography...

Well let me put it this way I love how the shots turn out and every now and then I see something that would look amazing in picture format but I don't know anything about angles and lighting and features and time of day I just love the idea of taking a picture to take a picture. Now if only I could...
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The concert on Thursday was amazing....

Well let me explain we got there about half way through cry of the afflicted's set, they were pretty good a lot better live than on record if you ask me. Then came Peirce the veil wow were they horrible, well the one guitarist was there was just something about him that pissed me off, besides the fact that...
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I am completely taken a back by her... I really don't know what else to say I'm happy for the first time in a year and it feels great.
awwww ^__^

and i'm single for the first time in like....4 years haha.
I have meet the most adorable girl...

She just makes me smile, we've only hung out a couple times but theres an immediate attraction there to be more than just friends which is what I need a girl that is more than a friend, shes just awesome im happy when im with her im just happy in general, im sure there will be more to...
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So everybody makes new years resolutions, and I guess mine this year are as follows:

1.Get out more, as in party's concerts random shin digs.

2.Take a class or two at harper college just to learn something new and ultimately affect resolution number 1.

3.Get my bills and finances in order and save up for my own place.

4.Take a vacation to somewhere I really...
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