All I want is to make some friends is that so fucking hard?
I'm doin ok...Had a rough weekend..my bf bro hung himself and is in the hospital luckily they saved him in time....still jobless trying to find work frown other than that im good...lol How u doin?
im your friend!!! smile
I really really like the movie Stomp The Yard... I guess thats another guilty pleasure of mine haha.
Im losing whats left of my dignity
But ill fight till the end for her heart
Ill never give up for whats possibly
For better for worse this love must be cursed.
oh my, whats that from? i like it.

what have you been up to today? love
I want you to want me smile such a oldie but a goodie lol I need some sleep its almost 2 am blegh blehg fdjsklafjdsafjiowhfelnfsdalkfjdlsajfsdlf jgdsalfjweioweiofjsdlfmsdklfjvxkzmfsz lmao ok its bedtime peace out peeps.
Working 3 to midnight... but at least its payday! And this weekend should be the beginning of my work on a couple of bands there names are The Baltic Estates and Jay Heart Montreal I don't play instruments in either band but Im gonna be doing a lot of the publisizing and marketing stuff for them so be on the look out for them both!
Fuck I need a hug frown

blegh blegh blegh blegh... shitty moods suck i need a cheer me up.
Booooooooored outta my friggin mind.... Entertain me anybody? But on a positive note I had my review at work today and it seems that 3 years of working shitty shifts has finally paid off Im now gonna be working sunday-thursday with fridays and saturdays I get to have a life! Well for as long as the other people don't fuck up and we have to...
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smile yay for getting to have a life! There is nothing better than getting to actually enjoy it then working all the time! Thanks for the congrats and blog comment your so sweet.
smile How has your week been so far?!
Aw! That's me!!! smile