jimmy crack corn and i don't care! bok
thats funny you think im in a hardcore band....i rap. i got a hip-hop group and also im workin on some solo stuff. but, ive been in bands and know all about not getting along with people.
i hate people who build up your trust in them, then rip you off. kill 'em all, let satan sort 'em out. skull
hey Suburbanslave who im with today, is opening up a porn store in Texas, anyways she is very interested in doing a business deal w/ you. i told her about what u made Nala and she wants your high end toys in her shop! ill give you her # later if your interested. or call me at noon, i should go back and get her by then....or im sure u can e-mail he
thats cool you do glass, ive been around it my whole life, but my mom didnt get into hot glass and shit like that til maybe 5 years ago. anyway, just thought id say hi since you gave me a nice compliment (oh, and i like your shirt ya got on in your profile pic, too).
I am a manufacturer of high end auto erotic aides.
That has a nice ring to it. kiss
i was thinking about one with a flat end instead of the larger rounded end so i can have it sitting up right or i should say erect on the dresser or nightstand just for looks! i think they are pretty. then i would probably want to collect lots of them and put them in a fish tank. that would be cool.
any chance you'll be selling your wares at the avn expo in vegas this january?
i had the honor and privilege of meeting Nala today!
and yes she is even hotter in the flesh! I was commissioned by Aries to do some custom glass work for her, and i delivered it today. can't say exactly what it was that i made for her, but i will say it involves the type of fun that most of you will only...
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shes one of my favorites, i knew you would like her. shes a very awesome person. thanks for always doing something so last minute. thats how my mind works, sorry. im sure shell say how she likes it in her journal when she gets back to portland!
yeah and i havent looked up your website for a while and i see that its different now. i like all the pictures. mercury is so cool!
currently accepting applications for 1 new favorite.
who should it be????????? ARRR!!!
are pyrex plugs going to weight my ear down? see, what i wanted to do is make my own jewlery bc i'm more or less looking for tapers talons and claw and such in 00ga and above so i can stretch more easily. the way my ears stretch - i need to start off with something tapered and leave it in for a day or two and push it through more each day. i can't do that with my current 00ga taper bc it's SS and is too heavy. plus, acrylics cost way less.
trust me. i know how to stretch my ears. i actually know a lot about piercing. i just didn't know that acrylics were bad for your ears. i haven't heard anything about it and i haven't researched it. also, i am at a 0ga. that is why i'm looking for flared 00ga jewlery - because like i said - the way my ears stretch go like this - the jewlery goes in and stops tight right when then next size starts. so i leave it in at that point. over night my lobes stretches, and the next day i can push the rest through with no pain. i have a 00ga flared taper, but it is surgical steel which is too heavy to leave in my ear.

i can't find anything but 0ga in a flare. i can only find plugs in higher gauges. thus my quest for custom made jewlery. now that i have heard that acrylics are bad for your body i will do some research on that topic. i just don't want to spend a lot of money on ear jewlery until i am at my desired gauge - that's when i'm going to buy a good pair of plugs for wearing constantly.

[Edited on Sep 17, 2003]
i think i'm gonna make me some new plugs today so i can stretch my ears again. oh ya.........i hit myself in the mouth with a hammer yesterday. surreal
yeah, thursday the 18th at the hustler store. on sunset. you guys can go if u want . lots of people are going from here. rain, jason, sean, soto, nala, jodi. and some more.
hey Arron dont tell Nala what it is. K? she might try to harrass you.
skull ARRR!!! skull
i reached back like a pimp and slapped the HO!!!
thanks, thanks.
getting older and more bitter, fo shizzy!
aarrgghhh ARRR!!!
my username was xiii for a while
hey you
sorry i didn't have a chance to respond to you sooner- been sooooo busy-
i just wanted to tellya i think it rocks that you're a dad and that you LOVE your son. (and he has a cool name!) it gives me hope for the future of mankind to know there are cool dads like you out there...
the baby i watch (her name is sevayka) - her parents split a few months ago and the dad is being a poo head- wanting to just leave (to cali from atlanta) cause he doesn't want to see the baby's mom... not spending much time with her, etc he just doesn't seem to be into being a dad, ya know?
i hate that.
so it rocks extra hard that you love him smile

your plugs are way cool- i've always been fascinated with glass- being that it's fluid and solid at the same time... (wood fascinates me too- since it swells and expands and contracts with humidity- it's like it's still alive!)
i got a lampworking kit a while back- i need to get it back out and play with that torch... i thought it was fun- but i imagine glassblowing as much cooler...
my man *thought* about taking a class or something, but then we saw dale chihuly- with that eye patch- and he was like, "no way- THAT would be me- the one eyed glass guy" - he's kinda accident prone heh

ramble away i go......
i do that sometimes...
anyways, talk to you later!
bring it skull skull skull
I just read in the 420 group that you blow glass, and I just checked out your website. pretty cool stuff. I dont have anything I want to stretch right now but I know a couple people that do and I will recommend your site to them. Do you give glass blowing lessons and if so how much? I would LOVE to learn.
wow, that's a lot more than I expected, but it's understandable. I know what you mean about some people having it and others not. I've always felt like I probably do "have it" I've always picked up instruments farely easily and Im an artist and I think it would be a lot of fun to learn to do, but I can't afford all that right now unfortunatley, and I dont have any equipment as of yet. I thought someone told me about a class at one of the colleges around here. I'll look into it. I want to just check it out and see if I really am capable of creating anything out of it before I go out and spend a fortune on equipment. But If I do decide to take it up as a serious craft I'll probably come to you for advanced lessons. We'll see. thanks for the info. smile
they are starting to make babies, well probably keep them now. well see what happends. smells good right now though smile