Well, off to go see Nashville Pussy with friends and the wife tonight. Ought to be good fun. Haven't been to a concert in Mnich, yet. It's also been eons since I've seen this band.

Hope to get some good riding in this weekend and we're having some friends over on Sunday night. Yes, we're all heathins!

Have a great Easter weekend gang.

OOhhh sounds like fun. Have a good time. I have always wanted to see them live. Let me know how it was!
So you're responsible for the weather? I'm going to call the immigration office.

Ich drck die Daumen for your ESL class.
And today you felt like snowboarding and Zing! it started snowing? Stop it, please.

And ... yeah! I finally figured out how to work those jedi mind tricks with the ladys. biggrin blackeyed
Well, I've got an interview, on Friday, to attempt to get in to an ESL certification course. Wish me luck. Unfortunately, as much as we love living here, it's damn hard for an Auslander (ex-pat) to get a job as the employer has to prove the need for an American (or other origan) over a native German or EU member state.

So... that kind of...
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There are those guided bicycle tours for tourists. Wouldn't they maybe want a native english speaker?

And what's an ESL certification?
thank you! i made them myself.

For those of you patiently waiting for links to shit of mine and a couple of my favorite sites... here you go..

Favs of our Egypt trip... with links to other things

My My(wasted)Space.com site...

My Tribe.net page

DrunkCyclist.com if you have to ask....

The Fixed Gear Gallery... lovely, lovely bikes that I love to ride

The weather here in Mnchen is stellar. It's over...
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Yes, still very happy with my new place. Breakfast with the sun coming in through the kitchen window makes for a whole different start into the day.

I wanted to get rid of the old name for a long time. And "erleichda" is a phrase from Tom Robbins' "Jitterbug Perfume", which I love. Still getting used to it, though.

Those pictures of egypt look amazing, I'm jealous. Looks like you had a great time.
No kidding. The 80s were nearly a musical wasteland, except for all the stuff that evolved in protest of the disco void of the 70. Took the electronics and did something fun with em. Alternative ment something different in the 80s than it does now eh?
I've never seens a Chris and Cosey show, though I was lucky enough to see TG.

The weather God's have teased us the last two days... it's almost April... can it really be Spring here in Germany? smile

We got out for a road ride yeterday. Not long, but we got out. I have a long ass race in a month, I'd better get my ass in shape. Ahhhh! wink
I've wanted to go to Egypt for a long time as well. My mother was just mentioning go there next actually. Probably won't happen for quite a while though. smile

Current mood: lethargic
Category: Life

As much as I love snow... I want to ride my mountain bike... hell, any bike for that matter. However, in the last 24 hours we've had somewhere between 18" & 24" of fresh snow.

Back in K.C. the race season starts today with a standard XC race. Next weekend is a duathlon (of which I finished 2nd overall...
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Welcome home and I hope that you do well in the race.
Oye! I've spent oodles of hours sorting and uploading our nearly 500 Egypt pics and I'm still not finished. As soon as I'm finished I'll post all the links.

In the meantime, it's snowing like hell here and I was going to actually attempt to drive today so I could do some car-type errands. Damn!

Might be going out with a friend of Big Johnny...
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We're back from our trip. We had an incredible time. I'll be sorting and posting pics... somewhere soon. Hope that everyone is well. I've not had time to look and see how my friends and booksmarks are.

Welcome back. Glad you haven't been kidnapped. smile
I'm looking forward to pictures.
The show was a good one. Trent's energy is amazing. The way he commands the crowd is perfection. I hope that you get a chance to catch NIN again before Trent goes back into his hole.

PICS!!! YEAH!!! biggrin