Hello again,

So time to be productive and document a chunk of my life again. I've decided that the most efficient way to stay in touch with people and keep up with my emails is to start making some real posts online here and then treating the posts to a chop shop mentality and part em out for various emails to family and friends, as...
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Thanks very much for the comments on the Circus set!
Well over the past few weeks I've started to embrace a new love....... not really a new love so much as an appreciation and deeping of my feelings for a special someone I've been quite fond of for awhile, but now I think the cat is out of the bag and I can admit my love openly now without any shame or regrets....... I love...
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love lovee
Yep, money does make the world go round.

And to your hilarious comment on my blog...exactly! That's the reason why I want to get it. Even aside from the fact that it's from a Zelda game, in and of itself it is a great design. I'm actually hoping most people will recognize what it's from and get a laugh out of it if nothing else. tongue
Well I've been a lazy bastard for long enough so time for a quick post. I'm so behind on emails to friends its not even funny. I feel slightly compelled to post an update of where I'm at now just because. There hasnt been a whole ton of life changing stuff going on, but I've got quite a bit of stuff that's kinda hanging out...
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yeah i've noticed that macs are either wonderfully simple to use, or sort of hard and complex.

and pink hair doesn't really scare me . . . i've had pink, red and purple hair before, it's more for occupational reasons and time reasons that i kept to just a couple of streaks.
that was a rather lengthy comment on my blog.

the dress isn't as nice in person, but i had to dress up so i did. and then i liked the different fabric textures so out came the camera.

the glasses just look wide because of the angle. i actually have a wide face so it works pretty well. biggrin
Ahhhh how the time creeps along. I've been a slacker bastard about updating. I just switched off the urge to chronical my life's little meanderings and just go gaming and try to do some reading and all that other jazz..... Ok well some of that other jazz was me being more enthusiastic about trying to spend some time with cute-busty-girl from work Naomi, but after...
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thanks I love playing on my pole too!
well thanks . . . i suppose that's what happens when narcissism crashes head on with extreme procrastination! biggrin
Well I've been somewhat slacking on updating for awhile so I figured I'd just start talking and see what comes out.

I had one really cool image that came outta cat napping today at work on my lunchbreak. I had this image of a crocodile and all his individual scales were just kinda inflating and deflating randomly across his body, like they were bubble gum...
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Thanks for your comment on my set kiss
I may have had the wierdest dinner I've ever had.

Main course: Medium-large bowl of Total Raisin Bran

Dessert: 1/4 of a homemade cheesecake with glazed strawberries

Now I aint talking a small little sliver of fucking cheesecake. Ohhhh no. I'm talking literally 1/4 of the whole fucking cheesecake in one shot. Overall though in 5 days I have eaten the entire cheesecake on my...
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Well in general I think I have to say lately I've been going off on a large scale porno binge. After about a year or so of a fast I guess I've just had all my porn urges bottled up a bit too much. After all most of the porn I previously had access to was pretty crappy low end cheap whorey crap and I...
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Ok so I'm finally getting back to writing my dream journals. Here's mine from last night:

I started out in a grand dining room. There were a series of 4 or 5 large tables strung along the wall I was on and they were all filled with suicide girls and their friends. Missy was somewhere in the mix but i never quite got a look...
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Well the last couple days were pretty good. Thanksgiving was good as always. Had the family gathering over at my Aunt's place and we had a lot of good food. All the thanksgiving staples were present including homemade stuffing, cranberry sauce, and wild blackberry pie. My poor aunt has been out of work for the past few months and she hasnt really had any bites...
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