Lets see, I'm all alone, just got Oblivion off of steam, all i need now is people to chat with. Anybody awake at this hour of the night? If so and your looking for an awesome gamer nerd dude to chat with just because, then hit me up. i could use some new friends. If you got Skype, then my username is "wolfen.bluestone" otherwise message...
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I'm really depressed now... this whole week has been just one big clusterfuck of shit i dont want to deal with.
with yesterday being the 6 month mark from when my (now ex) girlfirend having the miscarrige of my baby girl, and then me haveing to work way too hard last night, and then today i found out that my grandmother passed away... how the...
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So i have decided to get a haircut, and im getting my ears pierced... and maybe even my tongue pierced as well... not sure of a good hairstyle though... i want something that is shor emo/rocker.... any ideas?shocked
today is the day that i begin following my dreams of being a scriptwriter/actor/director/voice talent. im so excited that i finally have a solid idea for both a tv series and a few movies. im going to get really serious about working out to gain/maintain better muscle tone. im gonna lose a little bit of weight. and im already writing some more ideas for stuff......
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So i now have a scar under my left eye... it was all unintentional, although i have always wondered what i would look like with a scar...

the story is mainly because i had a beautiful young woman over at my place... we have only known eachother for a few hours, but we just started talking and ended up at my place, i honestly have...
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so i decided that i really want to start filming me and my buddy playing video games together and post them on youtube... the stuff that happens has us laughing our asses off and it sucks because everybody else is missing it... I WANT TO SHARE MY LAUGHTER WITH THE WORLD!

and on a side note... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bt56yjY9qOw this is relevant to my interests biggrin
just got moved into my new trailer (temporarily) utill i can afford something better... gonna go watch the new evil dead movie with a bunch of friends, and hopefully with this amazingly beautiful young woman that i have known for a few years... maybe even get to be more than friends if all works out. YEAH im so excited!biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
i just realized that i gota go to work todayfrown oh well... at least im making some money. however i really dont feel like stocking tampons all night again... i kinda hate being the only person they can trust in that department... i dont mind the sex supplies or the vitamins, or even the countless amounts of band-aids... it just the tampons and the adult...
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so yeah... new evil dead movie that i really want to see... really cute girl i used to flirt with in high school/good chance of maybe going out with her, and the only 2 games i am really all that excited about this year are splinter cell blacklist and assassin's cree 4 black flag..... oh well, goodnight friends.
YAY ITS MY FRIDAY! i hope it is a light night so i dont overdo it like i did last night. i got 3 days off and ireally dont want to spend them int the hospital :/

however i am so glad to have such amazing friends. they are there for me when i need them, and they know i got their backs covered. gonna...
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Have fun smile

Hope you are all having a fantastic day. I'm gonna go get myself some chocolate, and maybe even some cheesecake. YUM!biggrin
Now looking for an apartment or a trailer... i need a place to live and i also need a vehicle... i love my family, but i just cant live with them any more. they are driving me insane... im soo sick and tired of how they treat me after all that i do for them.