well, goodbye 30's hello 40's. My baby says its gonna be fabulous...here's hoping she's right. Wish she was here but she will be here soon. Bunch of peeps coming over ater to celebrate. At least I hope. Got a big keg of beer iced down in the garage. Somebodies gotta drink it. I was really down yesterday until my friend Justin from the band Hotpipes...
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i finally get to see my baby tonight. a week is too long. I miss her terribly. I want to make sweet love to her so bad it hurts. maybe, just maybe she feels the same.

love love love
Your baby always wants to make love to you.
40 approaches. fast. Never really thought I would see this one. Figured the way I was living I would be lucky to see thirty. I struggled with it at first. Thought to myself...man, i am really geting old. I get called sir sometimes. I find myself the oldest in the crowd often. But alas it is all good. i look at my life and I...
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I had not read this. You are wonderful, baby, and 40 is going to be amazing. I am happy about spending your birthday with you, the first of many.

God loves you, your girls love you, and I simply adore you.

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Thank you baby. It feels good to be loved!!! smile
Enjoy Today

Youth is bestowed on the young
How little they know
They rush from one
good time to another
Which one was the best?
They can't remember
The anticipation of tomorrow
is so great, they can't hardly wait
Take head, you youth of today;
Learn to relax
and savor each good hour.
Make it last though,
It was the tallest tower
Enjoy today
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