idk if this is weird but I figured I'd try my hand and something artistic...although all I have is my phone and no equipment so I had to get creative Haha =p


I have been through hell week the passed week. Not that any horrific thing has happened in my life or anything like that, just many little things that pretty much only matter to me building up to an insane height. Unfortunately I think one of my main problems is me. I seem to just not care about anything enough. I am such a laid back,...
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I definitely think that bi girls are cool. Of course, I do not mean anything negative against straight girls, or lesbians for that matter, its just that I can still hook up with a bi girl and, from what I have noticed in my 21 years on this earth, I seem to click better with them than straight girls. I think it is simply because...
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is it a turn on for a girl when a guy cums a lot or cums real hard??....I do both and I have has mixes reactions but I wanted to do a survey and find out If it is a turn off. Turn on, or if it doesn't matter,


So the owners of the company that I work for have been talking to me about the future a lot lately and about possible partial ownership into the company. As a small taste of the "big leagues" my bosses decided to have me be a representative of the company at the presidents gala for event specialists. It was definitely interesting being around owners and ceo's
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@cyrenialene Thank you very much!
No problem :)

I think that the root word of "consummation" and "consummate" is consume...#interestingly romantic


I think one of my main downfalls is that I cant just let a girl win when it comes to video games...haha =P


Has anyone else read The Juliette Society by Sasha Grey?

I actually just ordered it! Will let you know! Thanks for the follow!
Tell me what you think! I only read it cuz I think Sasha is cool but I actually really liked her writing style.

Not replacing the light bulb in my bathroom just to be able to take showers in the dim lighting...#mexicanspa

<3 hahah thats so clever.

Got completely wasted during an acid trip for the first time. Talk about a complete contradiction in feelings...super human and stupid at the same time haha. All joking aside, definitely the most fun and deep trip yet!