Got the window glass replaced today. Just have to give the interior a good clean to pick up all the little glass fragments missed so far. Went stereo shopping to and got a new'un sorted out. Cheers Halfords.
Good luck with the stereo shopping
Decided to wait on a replacement stereo for my car. Frankly, I didn't see the point spending 60 ($90 +/-) to replace it and then get hit with a 100 excess fee and major dint in my no claims. Other than that life is good. Enjoying a rare Friday off and looking forward to a good night out in town.
Am somewhat vexed right now. After my first day back in my old store, after an absence of 3 1/2 months, I get back to my car to find the front passenger window put through and the radio/stereo missing. mad

'kin thrilling to say the least.

Will have to call the insurers tomorrow to begin a claim. the only possible good to come out of this...
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Ugh, that SUCKS! But at least there's a bright side!
Finally and at long last I was confirmed as having passed the probationary period of time for my job. I'm a very relieved Westy, I can tell you. Come pay day in two weeks time I think a few drinks'll be in order.
'Ray !! Pay day tomorrow. Good job it's Friday, 'cause I'll need a few stiff drinks to shore me up as most of it goes out to pay bills 'n stuff.
thank you!
Well. I've just been to see The Wolfman. Not as good as I'd hoped it would be but still a good 2 hours well spent. Off into town now, for a few beers. It's nice to be able to go out and not have to worry about work till Monday.
I don't know how you mon-fri guys do it.
I have a lot of respect for you, coz if everyone was like me, society would fall apart!
Have an awesome weekend, you've earned it xx
Had a great weekend. Recovering nicely now and gearing up for the commuting slog into Leeds at stupid o'clock tomorrow a.m.
My car's been fixed. I got paid last week. The bills are paid and I've one day left before a week off work. Reet then I'm off the pub biggrin Have a great weekend people xx.
Freezing my arse off here. Just to make life better my landy's back in the garage (battery this time). On a brighter note I'm expanding my cultural horizons and reading H.G. Well's The War In The Air. A very good book just itching to be made into a film.
Am really not impressed with my car right now. Had the second breakdown in 2 months and from the look of things it'll be the engine control unit !! Other that that doing well. Will make the effort to see Avatar this week and had a stormin' time in Leeds last night on a (belated) staff Xmas party.
Well you can imagine how pleased I was when my boiler went bang and sprayed out several litres of horrible murky water blackeyed Fortunately this happened in the cold weather last year so all I had to do, to get things working again, was knock the icicle from off the bottom of the boiler outflow pipe and pour boiling water on said pipe and hit it...
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Glad to hear your boiler's working again.

Any ideas of what countries you want to visit?
U.S.A &/or Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands & Poland. So it looks like I'll be quite busy.
Got to go to Manchester airport again last night. This time to pick up my mates family's luggage, which went astray in Frankfurt mad No snow this time but lots of fog. Got a cool thank you gift in the form of a 2 litre bottle of smirnoff black vodka.

On a lighter note, watched Monster vs Aliens yesterday. Just loved Bob 'The Blob' and 'Missing...
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