so, went to the circus for the first time in my life on sunday. it defiantly up-holded all my many years of expectations! with the exception of 12 dollar cotton candy, it was well worth it smile
...DUMBO kept it's promises.... smile

yet i've been sick for the past couple days... hopefully allergies, while i've been trying to keep well enough to go into work and deal...
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okay so, i'm never quite sure what to write about in this bloggy thing but yesterday was Earth day and i'm a semi 'Earth activist' (if there is such a thing)!

two hours with all the power shut off while i painted my living room with soy based paint until i couldn't see what i was doing anymore.
however i smoked about half a pack......
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Thank you so much for request my friendship kiss
Wow, that's a winner for a bible quote!
hello all... just got home from enduring my first ever root canal. not fun, but not as bad as it's been rumored to be. can't really talk or eat. but can smoke so not too horrible!
gonna pop a couple aspirin and read some Suicide Casanova.
hope you all had a little bit of a better day! hah smile
Root canal, eh? Well, at least you're not almost 30 and getting braces. Yeah, I've spend my entire life with crooked teeth, and finally have the means to fix them. It's sad, and I'll have to endure my own ugliness for two years when I get them, but I'll be a total stud when they're off. I think...
How are you girl?.)
btw... can't seem to figure out how to change the 3 pics below my profile picture. i'm sure it's extremely easier then i'm probably makin it out to be (hah),
if anyone can offer help on that one it'd be sweet!
I think that all you do is "edit" your profile page and browse for a new picture, then save. If I remember, it may not change it right away. You won't see it for a little while.
So it worked then? Glad I could help smile
i am new and computer illiterate... bad combination. but i want this so i'm trying my absolute best. smile
so i've been (slowly) figuring everything out and making some friends.
can't wait to get my set reviewed... yet pretty nervous!
did a whole other one which i absolutely adore as much as this one.
hope to get some feedback on anything. good or bad... i...
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