I had about 10,000 ants in my room this morning and I don't know why. I keep it neat and clean. I have tons of bites on me now. I went outside to see if the hill that they were coming from was right outside the wall. I didn't see a damn thing outside. So I don't know where they are coming from. Well I...
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Well, well, well. I have heard for sometime now about the little rift between Jello Biafra and The DK. I have read stuff about both sides and don't know where to stand now. I read the DK's side first and always figured that Jello was an ass (even though I own all his spoken word cd's). But now I read his side and I don't...
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whew.,...I thought that was a band called I Against I, how many "against" bands do we need...then I realized you have your list kind of backwards....
Life works in strange ways sometimes. And often times it's not to my liking. Right now I feel sad for a friend, and mad at another. And as per the norm SAUCER has a funny journal entry. He makes me laugh! I said I was going to start keeping my journal updated once I came back from the grey, but I have been slacking. I...
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you know....a couple of minutes after I posted that, I grabbed my super calculator from the inventors of NASA and uh...that equation can't even be solved.
Ok, so the family is safe and everyone I wanted to know about is safe. It took days to find out if the ones I "loved/liked" were safe from the hurricane but I just found out news tonight that broke my heart. The worst thing about it is that this happened back in March and I didn't know about it until now. Mitch Hedberg has...
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Fun times. The family is living in my appt. with me. They left New Orleans about 3 in the morning on Sunday and have been living here since they got here about 7 in the morning Sunday. We can't get back to see if there home had any damage until Monday. From what we can tell it looks like the neighborhood where they live didn't...
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Just come live in Cali wink
I am too fucking lazy to write about anything have you figured that out yet? Esp. *shewhocannotbenamed* I guess all I can say is that I dont know what to say with out letting anyone or this individual know who they are. So anyway all I want to say is that It hit me that, that night we went do Dennys together we were about...
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it was a nice trip...not entirely sure if the 23 hours of trip was worth the 18 hours of driving but i had nothing better to do...

i think all relationships are strange.
Well, I might have said it before but my job affords me too God Damn much time to think. All night long that's all I do. Anyway at this point I have been thinking tons about *Shewhocannotbenamed*! I am too tired at this point to write about it but rest assured that I will write at lenght about *Shewhocannotbenamed* in my next entry, which should...
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Ok, OK! I am too negative of a person, and this comes through in my entries. I am working on it. And furthermore, my dad has been riding my ass about how negative I am. So I will try from here on out to not say too much negative stuff. This entry will be all positive, yet short.

There was about a million things that...
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I prefer to refer to negativity as being realistic. My parents and family have been telling me that I have been negative since I was a child. I hate to generalize, but I think Cancers have more obscure and intense emotions than others, making them harder to understand and thusly, pin-pointed as downers.
I am drunk on wine, and am probably making no sense. kiss blush
Descendents is great...and the two 7" are Crime and Disco before the Breakdown(which I don't like too much but I will give it another spin)