Old concept dream... Reality shifts... Borders become solid, two dimension representatives of nations become three dimension entities... The bloated elephant seal that is Russia digs its claws into China as it stretches its snout towards Alaska... The ponderous backside of the old legged thing that is the US groans under the weight of the lizard headed Canada... England contemplates Ireland wjo contemplates the firey meteor...
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jeeps! you are the word master. i like, i like lots!
I may not be pretty, But i am happy the way I am...
Took me a bit, but I finnaly got the computer to do what needed to be done...
Okay, the work needs work. Going out to eat tonight. Gaming tomorrow...
Lords of chaos, Lords of law!
Strife eternal, endless war.

Johann Dieter, noshes chips...
As the football, 'tween legs slip...

Battle rages, eons long...
No end in sight, gloomy song...

Stomach roils, Johann burps...
Team advances, "No you jerks!"

Multiverse groans, war drags on..,
Lords take notice, sing peace song..

Johann stomps off, to the loo...
Team is losing, money too...

A layer up, clerks...
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At the night's zenith
The neon tree starts to glow
Moths worldwide beware...

Warm Water Under a Red Bridge is a good movie...
Rain is good. Wind is better. Snow would be the best... I found a silver quarter and a couple of wheat pennies a couple of days ago. I am accumulating two dollar bills. I feel like the guy in the old Amazing Stories episode who collects all these comic books and coins for 70 years only to die before he can really enjoy it... Of...
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I am dissapointed. It is September and it is still hot... Blast Bush and his anti enviromental cronies... May the ice flow agian from the frigid north! Lets all pray to Auril for this to be so... She may be cruel, but sweating will be a thing of the past.
I agree...down with this sunny happy weather.

I want rain, and lots of it.
I day dream about winning the lottery all the time,,, but i never play! What a waste of time! I guess I'll be stopping in, to scratch my ticket spasticaly at the counter, with all the other lotto-tweekers!
I know the picture of the book cover was a repeat. I was just having trouble getting the new one on. Here it is... Dream Tree
to respond to your response to what i wrote on the strega page, i was trying to think what it was i do most of the day and since that day was a work day, i smile alot. it is important to me to try and make people feel comfortable when i wiat on them-and let's face it, people are usually chock full of fear so smiling helps to get us on common ground.
I love the picture. I actually clicked over to your profile because your picture came up randomly and I had to tell you how cool it was.

Have a good day
Please someone tell me if I am going too far with the whole LIFESTYLE vs the rest of the boards "war" I would rather stop it than truly anger anyone
you sir, lol, are just going too damned far buck.
I don't know what to say anymore... The well of pithiness, not deep to begin with, has run dry...
One and all, the boards are turnimg out to be worth the 65$ and more. It is waking cells I thought long dead. So if nothing else, I thank all of you who created this site for that one thing...