I have had a job at Banana Republic for a bit more than a month at this point. I am working alot, around 7-9 hours a day.. which might not be terrible, but it is alot more than I have worked at a steady job in a few years.

Sadness is a wicked thing.
Especially in it's naked, barren form... starring it's victim right in...
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I hope you had a good holiday. smile Happy new years. kiss
Again, and as usual, it has been a long time since i have written on here. Complacency kills.

My life is again so disconnected.
I work about 10 hours a day. I talk to noone, not even my coworkers.

I suppose that I could, at this point, blither on about lonliness or solitude or whatever. But why complain about something that I seem unwiling and...
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I need a doctor, someone with a needle.
Im not wanting to die anytime soon.
There was a documentary on Sundance tonight... it intimately followed several inner city heroin and methadone addicts. It was a terribly trite picture, but I was chilled to the bone just the same...

This disease is still so much with me.
I think that I avoid this journal because I am afraid that I still focus alot on the addiction, that I still have much...
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I first saw your entry back in October when you announced you were going into rehab, and bookmarked (I hope that doesn't make me sound sick). Sorry to have 'stalked' for so long.

Even though you have lost all of your old friends, and I can only understand how painful that is to an extent as we don't share similar experiences, there's no harm in making new ones, is there?
So far, one major thing I've felt was a glimmer of hope that you'll eventually pull out of this dark period over time.
I'm not quite sure what to write or how to put words, because I do not want to inflict any negative thoughts; not knowing you, yet saying that reading your entries can sometimes be painful without sparking even more sadness inside you..

Despite the numerous differences, there's a bit of..not feeling quite so alone. I don't mean to/to sound that I/ take pleasure in your absolute misery; I don't. Nor do I mean to belittle or make comparisons to what you are dealing with.
It's only odd where one finds comfort, no matter how small.
If it was methadonia that u watched then we saw the same documentary- it made me think of how lame I must have looked when I was nodding out at friends houses or wherever I ended up. getting off herion is a bitch - but so it getting off of methadone- even though I've been off of the crap for a few years it was still hard for me to watch. the inner addict started to crave and wanted to feel numb again. why I don't really know- guess I have something stressing me out lately that I'm not really taking a look at and I'm trying to get by w/o having to deal with it.
And how have you been??

I so rarely look at a computer screen anymore.

However, I will be on the web alot more often now, since Ive gotten my connection back online. Anyone want to say hi?

Tell me that I was missed... or the very opposite.
well um u missed me turning 31- so far things are going pretty good for me - my cousin's wife is going to beauty school and is learning how to do waxing- so she told me to stop shaving so she can practice on me - not like I have any hair to wax- I've been growing it out for like 2 weeks now and it's still too short for her to do anything with.
other then getting the hair ripped out of me things have been pretty mellow around here- been playing a lot of guitar - it seems to be calming
I've had you bookmarked for a long time. I am relieved to see you've updated, thus, you are still alive; I wondered and worried there for a bit. smile
I haven't written since mid june.
I don't really know that I have had too much to say, not anything that anyone would really like to read.

I wonder how you are. It has been forever since we have even spoken.
You are so damn far away now... It is so surreal for me.
Try to understand; the monster that I was... the way I...
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kiss how's u sweetness . the last time we chatted was a very drunken call from me blush it's a shame that we didn't get to hang while I was in detroit. I'm going to make a point of it next time I'm there. things are going pretty good for me. I'm about to age another year and I'm not looking forward to this b-day. I don't want to turn 31. frown I miss u . we should chat sometime soon n catch up.
being 31 isn't as bad as I thought it would be . had a blast on my B-day - was hurtin the day after though blush how r things going for u sweety ?????????
Today was my birthday.

I wanted to get together with my friends for dinner... but noone would call me back.
Even when I left messages saying that today was my birthday, and I wanted to get together.

I don't like being alone all of the time like this. It hurts.
I can't imagine being too much morew dejected than I am today.
I don't entirely...
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Hey man I'm getting my sanity back slowly. When I get to the states I'm going to de-tox you. I intend to tie you down if I have to but I will get you clean.
kiss miss u sweetie
Your in my house tonight.
You might as well be a million miles away

I can hardly remember the last time someone put their arms around me and meant it.
Life just gets so cold and empty.

This is why Ive become so quiet. Words and tears are ineffectual.
Hppay birthday smile
Happy Birthday Lovely One!
while you are watching your favorite television program,
or lying safe and comfortable in a bed,
or fucking some enemy or lover....

I will be screaming a fact that noone wants to know.
I will be hurting and bleeding
I will be victimizing myself.

After all, if you can, why shouldn't I?

Remember that... right at that moment.
Man I wish I knew how I could help. I've had a personal hell for just over a week now and I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm getting worse and worse. I just hope you're safe.
hey sweetness just wanted to stop by and see what's new with u . i'm doing good. just did 60 mins on the treadmill. 3.01 miles was only planning on doing 1.5 blush now i'm off to have a nice huge salad then rest .
You dont know how lonely I always am.

Your company tonight was great. I had forgotten how sweet you are.
Never to be forgotten again.

It was cute, the evening.
awww I u too sweety. how are u , haven't talked to u in ages. kiss I miss having u get my head straight when I'm all confuzled
Tonight, I am fristrated.
I spent a lot of my day thinking, and re-thinking... almost in circles.

Today was more positive than a lot fo them are for me.
Ive been working my ass off at A LOT of my troubles, so to speak.

I am getting somewhere.

I feel hopeful, like I might just beat 'this'.
I might get somewhere, all on my very...
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Looks like you are doing better sweetie, keeping busy is the key. Helps get your mind on other things other then all the crap that has been going on. kiss
kiss how's things going sweetie. I got myself a membership to the gym that my folks go to. been working out like crazy. I have a goal in mind and I'm wanting to reach it.
I hurt myself last night, with this really painful dream.
You wont understand, so I wont relate it.

I feel so empty.
Ive been hurting for three years, Ive been a total asshole equally as long.
It's all related to itself.

Ive burned up all my friendships. I haven't anywhere to turn, I think I almost chose it to be this way.
I wouldn't tolerate...
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