so the weekend in maryland went pretty well. i'm an amazing cook, in case anyone didn't know. saturday night i made my mom, sister, and her fiance an amazing dinner and drank some really fantastic beer. i went to the student talent show at the school where my sister works and felt entirely out of place. high school, you are lost on me. sorry.

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como on! dont be lazy would be great see some pix smile
ohh you poor frown
going to a show to see the opening band and realizing that the venue billed it wrong sucks. i want my fourteen bucks and dignity back.
of all the shit sick puppies tend to remind me of, clips like this are what i fucking live for. they're just bad ass and talented as hell. also, emma looks fucking amazing. what a cool ass chick.
yeah youre right the song is really cool
cute girls are cute.

honestly, i think cute girls trump hot girls on my sexiness scale.
totally right!
I like em both, but I do think I prefer cute girls.
i've been in a much better mood since i got my new vibrator.

this is no coincidence.
pups in less than two weeks.

i'm not even sure how i'm going to deal with going to this show. i'm insanely excited but at the same time, it's my first show in like eight months. the first one without asshole, and two days before my birthday, which just so happens to the six month anniversary of my break up. at least i get to...
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deep breathes are helpful today. first valentine's day alone in three years is no fun for me. i hate the fact that i'm so overly romantic that five months later i still can't stop dreaming about her. when you love someone, it isn't easy to live through any holiday without them. so far it's been a struggle for me to get through things day to...
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like your profile and pics...how come your not a suicide girl? =P
i really need to move to philly.

i feel like the best friends i've got are down there, and i'm honestly through with everything this area has to offer. there are way too many memories, being part of this crazy fucking generation makes moving on hard enough without having to sleep in this bed and stand in her footsteps every where i go. i feel...
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That humane society commercial with that Sarah McLachlan song makes me want to cry every time. Equal parts sad animals, equal parts kinda feeling like one of them. Emo.
You know what would make you feel happy, sending money to the Humane Society. I've been a volunteer for years and it can be a tough thing, because what you see on the commercials is pretty much what you see at the local chapters. Thankfully, not all you see, but enough to understand it's a real problem.
i hate that seeing her fucking username on youtube is enough to make me want to cry three and a half months later.

what is this big secret to getting over someone? do i even have that in me? i feel like i'll be hurt for the rest of my goddamn life, and i hate it. i'm letting all the shit she put me through...
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Well, if you could find the secret to getting over someone you loved, bottle and sell it, you'd be rich! Truth is, time is the only thing that makes the situation any better, and I understand how much that sucks! However, with time you will gain a clearer perspective and you will get past this.