The past couple of weeks have been SO GOOD! Man its refreshing having action packed weeks again. Ive been out for cocktails with my wicked friend while she's back from australia, managed to accidently see bear grylls pass me by with the olympic torch while im sitting there with my drink haha.

My mates threw an awesome house party, full sized beer pong was involved.......
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this definitely sounds like good, fun times all round smile
Looks like you had a good time tongue
I've never thought of myself as very patriotic before, but this jubilee weekend does make a little proud to be British smile kinda makes me wanna visit London too, I've never been but so many people have been telling me I should go.

On a side note, has anybody been travelling solo before? All my friends are poor/busy these days and being single makes it difficult...
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People have to vouche for you on SGUK, to check you're not a total doughnut I guess. I'll go see if your names on the list & vouche for you smile
Yeah I know but it's time for change! Thanks and good luck to you too!! smile
Frank Turner never fails to make me smile, his songs are pure inspiration.

Missing the sun already whatever Im at work finding myself checking for updates on the imminent zombie apocalypse. It's probably a series of unrelated crimes, plenty of meth fiends around in Miami but you never know. Nice to see the zombie hunters group getting plenty of activity if nothing else. Better enjoy the bank holiday as if it's my last haha skull
haha, I shall get those ass shots in for you smile
These weird crimes are freaking me out; so many nutters about with so many issues. Not excited to see who does what nextshocked
So, ive finished my first week as a research scientist yay. So far ive pretty much just got the glamorous task of reading endless training documents at my desk, seems il be able to get stuck into project work in about 6 weeks when im signed off as competent. Office life is kinda hard to get used to, especially when im pretty socially awkward in...
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Aww congrats! I'm sure once you get more comfortable in your surroundings you'll be fine. smile

If you fly to Europe, make sure to take lots of pics to show us!
thank you for the oh-so-nice comment on my set smile
Lovin this weather toooo. Makes everyone so happy when it's sunny. x
So im back from Rome, its an amazing city and i was lucky to have great weather. I loved visitng the collosium and all the epic fountains, i must have walked for like 10 hours a day. I cant help but feel a little underwhelmed though, Rome doesnt seem to be suited for young people, sure theres plenty to see and do during the day...
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I totally agree with you. I went to Italy a few times, not to Rome though, but I had the same feeling. Beautiful sights, very nice food but the nightlife was not fun at all. Very good for a romantic week end though smile
Right back at you wink
So after a few years of just enjoying the pictures i think its time i actually join the community. Looking to make new friends and chat to some awesome people. If you meet the above description, do say hi! (Thats how this works right?) Im new to the whole blogging thing....

Well im off to Rome for a few days come Thursday which im stoked...
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