You know,,,I thought that I just suffered from the oral fix but I'm now noticing the withdrawal - I'm actually getting shakey. Two weeks and I'll get past it. Until then a glass of wine will settle the quakes.

Does the patch makes you nauseas or anything?
The colors look great.
Well that get Saturday birthday party I was hoping for went bust. Firstly one of my good friends that I had not seen for a long time couldn't make. Secondly my best friend brought over one of his friends that really annoys me. And finally I was just fucking tried because I had to get up early to get the car inspected and the emissions....
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hey! yeah NC was cool. we went to the race and some strip clubs. have fun at the bachelor party!!! later man
It is very sad when you can barely curl 1 lb. Particularly when that 1 lb. weight is bright pink. I am going to do my damnedest to make sure I never break a bone again. The recovery is much worst then breaking the bone. At least when you break the bone the brain kicks in all the good numbing chemical and puts you in...
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Happy Birthday! Sorry about your arm, I broke mine last year. I broke close to the shoulder and they couldn't cast it so I had to keep it really still (broke it straight across). I have seen GWAR a few times while I was in college, funny story...I was at one of they're shows where they were sets of them as diffrent bands.... RAWG, ex-cops and GWAR and the pit was really violent...guys throwing fist and I was grabbing a friend to hang on the rim when a floater that was just pick up; his boot hit me in the eye.... I went back, they dropped him....(seeing stars but still standing) got my vision back, saw him standing in front of me. As I cocked back to hit him.....he ran...didn't see him for the rest of the night........ your tattoos are awesome...great color
grrrrrrr mad
Let's hear it for having to go through physical therapy for the arm.
I've just added a pretty nice picture of my arm right after I broke it.
Dude, I'm sooo sorry. That was a total mistake, come on back.
I was supposed to go to Vegas this weekend but not any more. Instead I get to have surgery to make my left humerus bone one again.
The new job search begins now because if I don't get out soon bad things are going to happen
Snow and Ice can suck but it is nice when it gets you out of work.