Things have been looking up I had two interviews back to back. First was my interview to move up into management at the job I am currently working, second was my interview was with the school district. Man to think that I'll be working with children. it's special needs children too. that should be super interesting. I have my fingers crossed about both opportunities. Both...
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good luck, hopefullly everything works out for the bestest.
I RUINED MY ANKLE. and I was sober.

I need something better than aspirin.
and a buddy and some alcohol that I wish I was drinking when I ate concrete the first time.
what a lousy week it's been.
but you know what I'm actually not that down about things are looking up.
I have a better job offer and i'm getting promoted at my...
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well last night was a huge let down. drunken shenanigans lead to me calling the ex, which lead to really disappointing non-sex. (he came in his pants, then couldn't get it back up) which i guess is fine because he tried to get me off after that, and he just failed. I was so drunk that I sorta got bored and pushed him off me...
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we'll have to shoot some stuff there. i hope i never cum in my pants too soon, then i know i've reached the end o my rope...
WOW. Thats the wackest thing I've ever heard. Come down to Cali. I'll help you out. lol.
what the fuck is the internet?
As sad as it is, I miss fall in Athens, Ga. Even though I distinctly remember hating it when I lived there, with it's fresh batch of irritating college kids that made me wanna stab things in the brain. But something about the buzz of a fresh start the crispness of the air, running around downtown seeing the leaves change around all the pretty buildings....
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yellowstone was awesome! i didn't see any bears but i kept thinking of that cartoon while walking through the woods smile
it's alright, my geography wasn't so good either before i spent hours looking at maps to make sure i didn't get lost.

looking forward to that renovated barn if its still available?
I'm throwing a halloween party next week, well I suppose it's more of just a come as you like costume party. I'm gonna by air soft guns and paint them to look like real guns and dress up like a fallen zombie hunter. My parents are going out of town and i've taken the week off work. I've been feeling really depressed lately and sorta...
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your vacation from peoplemight do some good. especially if a grand costumey scary party is waitin for you at the end of the tunnel
halloween is coming....and that means you know what time that is.....time for me to pray on the my friends biggest fears by executing ridiculous pranks. So far I've got a zombie prank to scare one friend and and alien prank to scare another. the zombie plan is gonna be intense if i can rally enough of my friends. basicly I need about 10 people to...
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haha, spiders are awful...

I feel like the important thing is the costume. I have 2 ideas but not sure if their execution will come through as I conceive the in my mind.

the awesome scenery of Georgia will be here soon enough too smile
I hit it a little to hard at the gym last night and made myself sick, but today my body feels wonderful I love the dull ache. Eh anyway, what to do what to do. Oh yeah I bought a gun, it's a rifle and I love it. it's WWII surplus Mosin-Nagant 91/30. The sound of the bolt action really does something for me. idk...
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guns and ammo, well played...
So I've started going to the gym. It's been two weeks and I've already lost some weight. I'm super excited about the gym because it's a 24 hour one and yay I"m a night owl. Also I'm gonna make my first large weapon purchase next week...(you know for the impending zombie apocalypse). I've decided to get an 8mm mauser rifle that is like ww2 surplus...
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i;m planning on leaving sometime in the first 2 weeks of september.
well good luck wink
I have had some sort of apocalyptic evil zombie plague for the last 48 hours. everything sucks....damn.
maybe some skype magic then?
So I haven't really slept in days. I mean I'll sleep for about an hour and then my body is all like "Hey bitch" and always I'm like "WHAT" and then my body is all like "HAHA now who's awake" and I'm like 'FUCK"
but that's not the point.
The point ladies and gentlemen is

I really wanna call poison control hotline.

now I've thought...
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today sucked. today something happened that has not happened in awhile. today something happened that I didn't think was possible anymore. today a boy made me cry. I don't think he meant to. I don't think he knows he did it. and I don't think anyone one on earth knows how much crying pisses me off, especially over something that hurt my heart. So, I...
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That sucks, I'm sorry you're heart is in pain. You put it out there and this happens sometimes. The strong part of you will press on and find that someone who fills the void in all those scars.