So I disappeared again for awhile.... but I'm back. Work sucks ass, and the people who call suck even more. But besides that things are great smile On a little mini 4 day vacation right now with my husband. His birthday was Saturday. It's fun to just be lazy together for awhile.
Being fun and lazy is a great way to spend time together. And yes, that is the draw back to work. It does suck from time to time.
Okay so my first full day on the phones was yesterday. eeek People are freaking crazy! "I dont understand why my balance is so high! I just paid my bill!" "well sir, after you made that payment I see three new transactions for around $600 a piece" "THAT CANT BE RIGHT" "okay sir, let me ask if you recognize this merchant" "......oh.... yea.....I guess that was...
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So there's really nothing that amazingly great to talk about. Although I DID go see Harry Potter last night. *dances* Hermione (i forget her real name) is gonna be really hot when she grows up.

Right now I'm sitting at the computer waiting for my husband to come back with breakfast.

On Tuesday we are starting on the phones at Capital One. My first taste...
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I'm going shopping next weekend yay! And we're going out to VA Beach for the weekend to relax and shop.

I think I can handle that biggrin
Va Beach is good. Wedding was awesome. It was the best day of my life. biggrin

Hope your weekend was a good one.
Thanks for all the happy birthday's everyone smile

*big hugs to everyone*

I've been having a pretty tough week. My husband and I are having some issues at the moment, but we're working through them.

Training is insanely boring at work. It makes me fall asleep.
Works been good, everyones nice so far and its pretty easy to get the hang of. The only sucky thing is that I seem to have caught the little sinus infection bug thing thats been going around, so i sound like and feel like crapola. Also with halloween being tomorrow, which is a monday, sucks, because Kyle always closes on Mondays. Looks like Jenni's not...
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Happy birthday!! kiss
Started Capital One yesterday. I was nervous as fuck but now everything's good. It's not so bad there. Basically, if you do your job, and you do your job really well, you get rewarded big time for it. Which, I can definitely deal with. So far we haven't actually done much training. It's all been a kind of intro. to the company thing. Although today...
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fitting in corporate style comes with time..hang in

So get this.

My boss. Got. Fired.

hahahahahahaha sucker

I'm glad I was still there to enjoy the moment those words were uttered.

There is definitely something very satisfying about that.
I'm going to the Blues and Cajun festival thingy today on Brown's Island. It occurred to me today, that I've lived down here for almost 5 years (it'll be five years on thanksgiving), and I have not once been to one of these festival thingies on the River. So I guess its about time. Im hoping its not going to suck. Is anyone else going?...
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yeah, but i am only a holiday season worker now, have two others jobs, but ive been there since peaches, on and off for about 5-6 years now.....those are my peeps......this is awesome you Richmond people are starting to surface, is there a VA group here?, i looked for one ( no luck), and i havent taken it upon myself to start one.....oh yeah, I have tori amos adorning the frame of my bedroom door, she is the shit!
Well good news is, I got the job smile I start on the 24th. I'm finally getting my ass out of retail AND getting paid a hell of a lot more money.
It probably was me that you saw locking the back door of Plan9...me and my roomate/co-manager. If you're ever around Carytown, drop in and say hi!
im a newbie, but im in P9 all the time...i write for 9x for years...so sayin hi

i swear the girls who are brave and cool enough to pose here , opens up a whole new world for me...like the first time i heard fishbone..its like the underground rock clubs on the east coast but in a natural state. no judgement, and great ink. no violence or degradation. why didnt this exist when i was in college?? i could have freaked out sooner.

later..jj jimi
So my interview is in a couple of hours and I'm nervous. Eeks. I hate interviews. It shouldn't be too bad though, and it's easy to get to.

Tonight I'm getting my hair cut and I'm dying it a red/copper color. Will take pictures and post them, I'll even post my tattoo picture soonish. I just need to resize it so it's not super huge....
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Good luck! biggrin
Sp my job has been absolutely crazy. Tons of people are leaving because they are just fed up. Garnet is already working at another salon. Latesha got another job at Regency, at Express. Claudia is going to her teaching job, and everyone else is looking for a job too.

Myself included. On that note, I have an interview on Tuesday with Capital One. I'm a...
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I took their test once. The math is not so bad. Good luck on the job hunt. I know Whitehall in Regency is hiring. I remember that you had mentioned jewelry sales in NY. Hope you have a good weekend. biggrin