Tomorrow I hit the big 3-0. I'm thankful for the journey so far. Through the good and the bad I have met and learned from more wonderful people than I can count. I feel that I have done well for my self. I have a good job that I enjoy, a wonderful woman by my side, and a life that is progressing in a positive...
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Last night I said goodbye to my grandmother. She suffered a series of strokes during a routine surgery and will be taken off of life support today. She was a beautiful soul, placed on Earth with boundless opportunities to make her life easy, but spent each day caring for her family in a selfless act of sacrifice and love. I wish I had spent more...
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It's always Hard to loose a grand parent. When my grand mother died I didn't seen her since years cause she was living really far from me and I prefered pass the holidays with my bf instead go with my parents and see her.  It was really Hard for me and It's still now 
The hardest part of this for me is seeing Papa hurt and lost. She was everything to him, I just want to help him through this hardship as much as I can. He is a brilliant, wonderful man and I hope the rest of the family is doing what they can to help. No one should carry that burden alone.