Well, this weekend was pretty cool.

Friday went with a friend to Chicago for the weekend and stayed at his brother's house. Got sorta drunk Friday night and met up with some other friends from chi-town...

Sat had an awesome brunch and this small little cafe. Had the best sushi... EVER and then went to a few more bars with some other friends. Also got...
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You ready for another City Club weekend?
This weekend is not so good. Got a friend coming from out of town Friday night, so I gotta wait around until he gets here. Sat night going to see Dave Chappelle wink

Next weekend would be better, but yeah, I am up for a trip to City Club. Been quite a while.
Work sucks as usual. Nothing new on that front. I guess I could be thankful I still have a job, but sometimes I wonder.....

I posted this story on one of the boards and didn't get too much of a response, but I figured it might just be "if you have nothing nice to say..." type thing. So, to spur more comments I figure I...
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okay dood... you've got too many blank spots in your profile... come on fess up.... and where's a profile pic??!!!!!

chicken butt!