What the fuck is wrong with people?
I hate the fact that I wait around for people and nothing is ever gained from it.
I wait forever. Wait for people to get their shit together. Wait for people to show up for numerous things. Wait for people to help me do things. Wait for people to wait some more.
What the fuck is wrong with...
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I love you baby. Always and forever. kiss
pissy pissy pissy
waiting can be cool
taking your time can be cool

i know its frustrating
im waiting for this guy im working with to give me some stuff so i can get going and we can start putting out this magazine and making money


i feel it both ways

not like dutch door action though
i dont swing that way
so take your hand off me
i dont dig you that way
So I finally decide to update my journal.

I had a great week. Got paid. Did some huge ass 8'X16' banners for a local TV/radio station and am glad that those are done with. Who wants banners that big anyway? I thought that was billboard material. Oh well.

Rocked out with my friend and now recently promoted V.P. of The Vasil Company last night. Played...
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fun dip!! fuck yeah!!!!1
my nips are hard !!!!!!
Yet another lazy Sunday.

This weekend was a flop but I had some fun none the less. Practice went ka-plooey when John didn't show up or call or anything. Everyone has their reasons. Or excuses.

I didn't do much this weekend. I felt like crap most of the time. I hate having a cold. Or whatever it was. I think I'm getting over it now....
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I had a cold too. eeek

feel better soon.
Hey babe. In case I forget, you should check this out. biggrin kiss
"Don't count your chickens before they hatch"

or something like that.

Some interesting developments have.....developed in the great department which I like to call, My Life.

I found a drummer. And not only does he play drums but he is the guy who recorded our album. And not only does that mean free recording time (haha) but he also knows other bands that he has...
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Sweetie.... I miss you.... frown
wheres your guitar

im teaching my cousin to play some guitar now

new orleans is cool
i dont have a full time job yet

hows u
"People suck and life's a bitch. Let's just hope we die before it gets any worse." - (anonymous)

Have to wait for an opening to be put back on the patient list at my doctors. I guess when you move they erase you from there shit. You see the problem.

Posted some pics of my designs in the Projects folder.

Talked to my friend John...
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oh yes. and when you read that, I'm not mad. just sad. with reason. I really really really like the last design you added. I want that on a shirt. yep.
"Glen! Glen, Glen, Glen! Glen, Glen, Glen! Glen's the man... going to work... got his tie.. got ambition! He knows one day he might just become..... Supervisor!"

Fucking commercial getting stuck in my head. I hate those things. There's this one too:

"What kind of lottery did my nose just win?!?!"


"Actually Venus, that one was outside the line..."

Does this mean I watch too much t.v. in my spare time?

Oh, by the way, I love you kiss
Another Sunday. What is it about Sundays that just makes you feel so damn....blah? Like you could just lay in bed all day and wait for Monday to roll around.

I am feeling somewhat better than I was Tuesday but I am going to schedule a doctor's appointment for the immediate future for a check up and such.

I have been busy working on some...
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You're clothing ideas are awesome, baby. I can't wait til I get my own t-shirt.

mmm... I guess.... biggrin kiss love kiss love
hey guy.

glad to hear you're feeling better.

let me know how the doc's appt went... I kind of want to know. whatever

I want to see clothing designs! eeek Design me like some assless chaps that say "sexy" don't the pant legs. or something.

or perhaps not.

It's Tuesday. The pain in my bowels is something as awful as when I was first diagnosed. Maybe a relapse? Maybe the medication isn't working anymore. Either way, I am trying to keep my composure.
I wish people around me would stop fighting. And it's not the interactive fighting. If that makes sense. They are all brooding with discontent and tension, only exchanging words for...
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Hey you.

You are a very strong person. A lot stronger than me. I fold and fuck up when I am under pressure. I say and do stupid things and feel sorry for myself. Everyone knows that. You somehow manage to deal and keep an optimistic nature that I have always admired. I wish I could be more like that.

I know that times are difficult for you family-wise. That is something you cannot control and something you should not let burden your soul. These people obviously cannot see how much it bothers you... so what you must do is know that you are better than the situation and you do not (and are not) apart of it. Things change and you will not always be obligated to live within the same walls. You will move on to bigger and better things. I know.

God is with you always... that sounds retarded to some people but I really believe it. Obviously you have done a lot with your life despite your illness. You have not let it stand in your way. And that is strength. That is a gift.

You know I really care about you and your well-being. I hope this comment didn't sound too preachy or something. I don't know. You know you always have a friend in me. I don't have to keep reminding you of that. You can talk to me if you ever want to.

That's what friends are for.

Take care. Feel better.

are you sick?

It's the weekend yet again.

Went to a surprise birthday party for my good friend Deano last night and had a good time hanging out with Cassio. We had some food and had some drinks and sat around the fire and talked. Watched some stupid high school kids box each other. Always good for a laugh. Oh yeah Deano and his brother boxed too but...
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I am going to watch Taking Lives tonight. Saw Sky Captain last night at the theatre with Jessica. It's an Angelina weekend!

I need a cell phone.

I need intellectual stimulation. I usually go for a walk. Or I read old journal entries of mine to see what a blathering idiot I was. haha. blathering idiot is the phrase of the week.
My favorite was watching Masa's nose bleed and Drew (trying to) throw (ing) punches. Man oh man did I loathe those people. Sometimes I remember how easy my life was when I was in high school and wish I was still there. Thank god for parties like that because it smacks me with a dose of reality. Afterwards I think, "Thank fucking God I don't have to see these people everyday."

Aw. How cute. You're taking notes on teh stimulation. Thanks baby. I need it. We're going to have to go to a museum and discuss things. I just thought of that one today. I think that would be nice. Plus, it's been awhile since I've been to a museum.

I LOVE YOU!!!! kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love blackeyed .... shit, I mean: kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss love love kiss kiss

So Friday wasn't payday....It's all good.
When I do get paid it will be a bigger check so I can't wait.

Cassio and I are planning on going to Cleveland Friday and hopefully seeing the Derek Hess exhibit but we can't seem to find out the info about it. If anyone knows anything about it please let us know.

The weekend has been going pretty...
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"The sky is blue and all the leaves are green..." biggrin kiss love
im glad your head is on straight

hows the band
and junk like that

if you see derek hess
tell him gimpy mike hammer said hi

Tomorrow is payday and I need a new belt and some damn socks. Cassio and I might go shopping together this weekend so that will be much fun.

There are some cd's I want to get as well:

Head Automatica - Decadence
Senses Fail - Let It Enfold You

There are some other ones that I don't remember right now... Any suggestions?
oh yes. Muse: Absolution. Wee.
i hear Head Automatica is decent

you back from cali yet

im busy being unemployed in New Orleans right now
so i been outta touch

whats the word
The weekend has come and gone. Now it is Tuesday.

What exactly is the meaning of the word friend and/or friendship? If anyone knows, please tell me because I don't know and there are people that I need to educate on this matter.

I started working today at my old job at Vasil's!! YAY!!! biggrin It was cool to get back into the swing of doing...
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yo homie. sorry I missed you on Yahoo..

A friend is someone who gives you unconditional support. Someone who misses you when you're gone and appreciates you when you're around. Someone who does things for you without being asked and without expecting anything in return..

Kind of like me! haha. biggrin

Damn. Jessica and I were going to go to Vasil's to see if they needed people. Let me know if they ever do. Graphic design is my forte. But then again you might not want me there being a big weirdo and such. surreal

To answer your question, Jessica, Brit, Katie Brillhart, another girl, and myself all quit this week. Earlier in the summer Abbey, Kristin Vaughn, the boss's son, and the boss's son's girlfriend all quit. I guess we're all crazy and they are the ones in the right, eh? whatever Don't ever go to DC again! THEY ARE EVIL!

When I grow up Jessica says I will be a serial killer.

I was planning on an ice cream truck driver but either works.
I want to be your wife when I grow up. biggrin kiss love