Its been a slow, rainy week here. Just waiting for things around here to pick up.

Ready for a fun weekend? I am.
Not sure if my weekend is going to be fun or not
dude, I close saturday and sunday nights, so I'm determined to make my weekend something epic.
As of tonight I regret every woman I've ever slept with, and every decision I've made that has broken a heart.

I don't like being a player. Or even being thought of by others as one.
Can I have just one chance to tell you how beautiful you are to me?

Just one.
Why thank you lol
I just have a nasty case of choking up around the ladies recently. Any confidence I've ever had has been chipped away recently.
Tonight is the night.

I'm so excited smile
This weekend = EPIC. My friend Kat will be here from Abilene, which means non-stop madness around here. Friday night, we'll be skippin north of the Texas border to Winstar Casino, and Saturday has a trip to various leather/fetish/food places, catching up on life, and finishing off the day with the Lingerie Party at Kush Saturday night.

Epic is only a day away.
Last night's Drag Party= Flippin amazing. Smoked it up with good friends, made new ones, got hit on by a few gay guys because of my pink boa, and overall had a blast. The after-party wasn't too bad either.

Back to the grind tomorrow.
I'm so friggin drunk at the moment.

Effffffff. thank god for friends who will drive me home in my car, and who make me realize the number the cute girl gave me was the rejection hotline. and thank god for spellcheck, or half of these words would be mispeeled.

this is gonna hurt in the morning.
Another mindless rambling night.

Why are women attracted to complete douchebags.
I had enough confidence to run across a pool that had thin ice over it and fall in (we got it on video, will be posting soon!!!), yet I crumble when I try to ask a girl out to coffee.
Texas weather pisses me off. Out of nowhere it rained for 30 minutes today,...
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*walks behind you*
*looks back at my favorite stalker*
Tonight was a night.

I finally got to go back to my favorite hookah bar in Denton called Kush. It is the one place that all of my self-consciousness and doubt go out the window. I used to go every Saturday night and have epic times meeting new people and smoking the night away. Tonight was just me and 2 other good friends. We got...
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Its now 5am in the morning. Why the hell am I up?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Because 3 cups of coffee at IHOP can jack you up on caffine.

Tonight was a roller-coaster. Started good when I got off of work. Went home, turned on some music (I've been on a Beck binge as of the last few days), and talked to some people. Then...
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