burned myself on the coal stove.....
800 deg

outch frown
be careful! i hate burns. blackeyed
1:36 am and I'm browsing Suicide Girls instead of finishing the important report for work......

I should really be in bed...
sitting in the NYC Hilton again.....

jeez I've been up here a LOT eeek

...hope it warms up soon...... or snows
heading back up to NYC in about an hour.

have to tear down NYTimes reporter dudes plasma, then put a plasma UP in Opra magazine chicks flat......
fun fun fun whatever

i'll be there until Wed. probably be getting outa dodge in the late morning and hitting some accounts on the way back.

I have to plan my trip down through VA and VA Beach as...
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Had to go to NYC Wed. Thursday morning I set up a plasma in a NY Times reporters apt in the upper west side. He's reviewing it for an article.

The dilivery men were waaaaay late and instead of trying to drive out of the city at 4pm.... I decided to just go get something to eat and chill for a bit.


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I am so bucolic

I spent about 3 hours last night trying to solve the Rubiks cube that is the coal conversion for my wood stove..

finally figured it out though.. my powers of deduction remain unquestionable! biggrin

warmth good.... love

new guy in Long Island is driving me nutz. being *team leader* it's my job to bring him up to speed, but he is way needy......
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i didnt shoot a set or anything yo
busy busy.....
well.... not for the past 2 weeks of vacation.... but before that.

I've gotten none of the things I had planned for vacaion time done frown
Oh well!!! had a good time and relaxed on the couch alot!

Have a great New Year everyone!!!
It's raining.... HARD...
and it's like 65 degrees out!

gotta work in jersey thursday - late sun
going to drive my ass off twice every day as I'm the only one with a vehicle and my co-workers are flying in.
mad that's going to be like 3 hours of driving each day...

then... monday = laundry and re-packing for:

flying to Long Beach for *all...
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