I suck at writing at journals, even Internet ones!
My day was pretty boring, I just did chores around the house (mainly cleaning up rabbit dropings; said rabbit is actually my brother's pet, but he. being the spoiled brat that he is, never cleans that shit up). I fucking hate that rabbit! He's nibbled on my book collection, nobody messes with my books!
Anyway, Peace...
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Thats what I'm talking about...............don't let no body mess with your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mad

Yeah I usually get up before my alarm...............well actually I always do...........weird stuff I guess. wink

I didn't do much myself today well at least stuff for myself..........but now I will be going to have some beers so that should be fun. wink
Well, got the results back from the biopsy today, I'm cancer free! For now... blackeyed
Hello, bienvenida al site!!! Mi familia es de Ponce tambien!! Saludos smile
Well that is good to hear..............by the way Welcome to SG! wink wink Glad to have you.

I wanted to say that little picture set you have of the doll (that actually looks just like you) is the best thing I have seen in a really long time. mad love

My neck hurts, and the drugs they gave me sucked, SUCKED!! ARRR!!!
Sorry about the neck pain -- hope it all turns out well. You gotta get on doctors about the painkilling, some are afraid to overprescribe. surreal
Whisky! Lots of it. smile
Gonna go soon to do a pre-admision at the hospital. I'm getting a biopsy tomorrow and I feel strangely calm, compared to what I was feeling last month, which was freaked out and angry. I guess It's better that I feel this way whatever
You sure can add me as a friend. You don't have to send an e-mail, just a comment in my journal works. wink How do you like the site? I hope your biopsy goes smoothly.
Sleepy! Can't get enough of SG?!! confused
Hello! I'm new here, and I'm looking for a photographer to make a good photoset so that I can, hopefully, get in as a model. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my public profile here and mingle with you funky people (that sounded so dorky!)...
Anyway, I'll post my pic soon, I'll be seeing ya! miao!!