I am dumbfounded by the reviews coming out over my novel Secrets of the Elders and cannot help sharing them with everyone. Many of you share pics, photography, sketches, paintings, toy purchases etc, I share my review! I'm so encouraged and excited to get Book II in the series out this Winter! Lost in a Good Book Review


So nice to wake up, after days of ceaseless unpacking & drilling that is leaving my hands calloused and burning, to find my novel reviewed on Caitlin's book review blog. Check out her kind words, and while your at it SG family, go download your own copy of the novel :)

Hope you enjoy @rainbowfour !

Don Kenn has put together some crazy monsters drawn on sticky notes that you simply must see!

Monsters on sticky
awesome stuff

What a bloody long week this has been. Two trips back and forth to move my shite. I remember first setting out on my own at age 17 w/ nothing but two garbage bags of clothes...how in the name of Buddy Holly have I amassed enough crap to fill two 20ft uHauls? I mean I get my record collection that makes sense...well, and so does...
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I want to read it out

While there are so many things I can go the rest of my life without, tonight I cherish those I will miss. Standing outside, I am staring up at the moon, full and inviting, like nature's lamp lighting up the fields around my house with long shadows of trees making the landscape at once both mysterious and wonderful. I will miss stars, oh blessed beautiful
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There is nothing better than opening your mail and finding a new delivery from Spiral Touch! These soaps @opaque makes are seriously addictive! Me and my wife are really digging these. Check out her Etsy shop and grab some!

Best Soap Ever

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Took a little time to myself today. It was splendid. I have been hard at work tapping away at the keyboard everyday, dutifully getting in my word count. Ah, the sacred word count, my new temple, my new construct for spirituality, my everything. I really shouldn't say "hard at work" since I'm enjoying every bloody minute of it.

Today was good. I believe we easily...
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