I've had a day full of total ass.

I'm going to drink scotch, listen to music, and play pool on my table.

Who wants to join me?
Thank you!
I had a day full of ass the other day too, and not in a good way. There'll be an awesome day on it's way along soon to make up for it!
So, it's a beautiful night, because it rained today. It's cool and smells of moist air. There's the local goth event called Rapture, at the Upstairs Lounge above the MeKong restaurant. I'm going to head there in about 30 minutes. I don't see myself staying for long, maybe just a couple of drinks. Mostly, I want to get out in my convertible and drive with...
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now thats what u call a comment! lol kiss
Thanks....I appreciate the good thoughts. Every little things helps.
I 've always loved Thoreau's writings, and in particular Walden is my favorite. One of my treasured passages and one that I've quoted at different stages of my life comes from the second chapter.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to...
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Here here. I understand your statemetns completely. People look at me upsidedown when I tell them that barely surviving is exciting. They don't get it and that's okay. I smile.
A while back I decided to experiment with Whitman's form, and I ended up with this poem. Many times I refer to myself as an alien, and at times I even joke about it. However, when I wrote this, it certainly wasn't something I would joke about. Nor do I really now. This still is how I feel most of the time, but I just...
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I really like that. I especially love the second stanza. wink
I have a new gripe and then I'm going to go to work.

I really don't like myspace all that much, just because of the rampant "friending" for no reason at all. It's a bit like a Pokemon obsession. Or worse, it's like a popularity convention.

"I've got 1784 friends, everyone loves me!"

Just because you're an SG, don't spam me with friend requests. If...
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Hope you're day wasn't as bad as it started out and you're feeling better by tonight! wink
Believe me, it's worse when yer tits are up there.
1) I love the bathtub sets. They make me all squishy.

2) I really wish SG would stop moving the damned format of the site around. It's pissing me off.
HA!! I agree on both counts!!! biggrin
I do need to re-engergize! I've been wishing I could go camping. I need to just take time off of work and school and get away for a few days. I need fresh air! This dry valley is killing me. I get so bogged down sometimes, that I forget that the more I do, the worse I feel...and so on... wink
Why is the best underwear always the most holey and well-worn?
BAAHAAAHAA!!! tongue
Where did that come from? Wait.....I'm not sure I wanna know confused
Grad school is coming, and I can't wait. I'm just really, REALLY excited to start it. Sure, I'm a little nervous but I just really like school for some reason, even when it's a little crazy.

Maybe I'm a little crazy?
Without much else to do last night, I spent some quality time with my smoker, from around 7:30 pm to just after midnight. I made a pretty basic dry rub for the meat, and then put together a marinade using soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, Spriracha sauce, and some Hoi Sin sauce. When I'm cooking like this, I don't really measure anything. It's a complicated procedure...
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So, At the end of the day today, I will actually be able to say that I'm a college graduate.

I mean, I could say it before, but I'd have been lying. Now I can really say it. I should so get shithammered at some point in the future.

It's so weird. At this point I have two degrees, English and Psychology. And starting next...
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Wow, congratulations smile
That's a lot of hard work!