to anyone who read my last post, i'm sorry to be so blunt. i'm sure most people don't even know what to do with that kind of anger. i still feel the same today, but it doesn't need to be put up for people to think i'm losing my mind.. i feel so terrible today, i don't even know what to do. i am so...
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Anger is a nasty beast, I know because I have to deal with it everyday myself. I think it's why I took up hockey, gives me a chance to really vent it out there.

You're very right, America is messed up, financially, environmentally and otherwise. People sometimes just don't want to see it, they deny it patt the rest of us on the head gently and say "It's going to be alright." It's frustrating and infuriating pretty much all at once. AS for being an SG that is a process that is REALLY tough. There aren't many black SG's and no amount of denail can change the numbers. I understand your frustrations.

Here's the thing though, you live everyday i your life making a difference. You strive to make change. Most women as attractive as you don't take Muy Thai kickboxing and from the looks of those muscles I'm willing to bet you're pretty good at it. You applied to be an SG and that is also a move for change. Skinny white boy me looked at your set four times and voted for you to go pink. So your presence here has left it's mark.

Last but not least don't ever, EVER apologize for venting. We need an outlet, it's a requirement for life. If not we grab a shotgun and shoot up a local shopping mall. Wouldn't you rather spot your emotions in words than bulletts? Like I said to start, anger is a beast and one that will consume you if you let it. You're a fighter I can tell, fight it in any way you need to. Everytone will be the better because you did. smile
aww well golf isnt a requirement. Im feeling very much the same way as you, and sleep is our natural way to work things out, i hope it helps.
i wish i had someone in this whole entire world that i could just be completely honest with and they wouldn't tell me that what i felt was wrong, or that i'm being unreasonable, or call the cops or a mental hospital on me. I wish i could just be like everyone else and be okay with the way things are and ignore that the...
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I don't know if you're wrong or not, but I do know that you're insanely hot, and the minute you go pink you'll crack my top 10 SGs.

Chin up--you've got a community full of people here that'll listen to whatever you have to say, without judgment.
It's funny, I commented on your set a a couple of weeks ago and was totally blown away by your beauty. Then just today I saw you posting on another blog and came here. Seriously, I understand your anger and can only imagine what's it's like to be a woman of color in certain situations, but don't let the bastards keep you down. Don't worry, we got your back...wink
tgif! haha! going to san diego this weekend to visit some friends and chill for a bit. can't wait to go to ocean beach and eat the best mahi tacos in the universe at south beach bar and grill. you think i'm kidding, but look it up, they won some sort of actual title for the best fish taco in america. yummy... is it sad...
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Tacos are always a good thing. i will be in SD next month i will look that one up.
You are fucken hot.
Whew!... feeling a lot more positive today. I relish in the fact that i get to look for another job. I just have a good feeling about it today. Someone is gonna like me and hire me. I just know it. smile

I also need to count my blessings. Like the fact that i have hiking trails in my back yard and me and the girls...
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amazing how a positive attitude can turn things around huh? Good luck on the job search. Hell I would love hiking trails that close, I would be there all the time, hiking, shooting (pics) and just getting away from everything once in a while just to free my mind.
Ha. Yeah.. Funny how that works huh?
well, let me start by saying that it was an absolute battle for me to actually get out of bed today.... let me be honest and say that yet another guy has totally bailed on me, just blown me off. not a real explanation, so i can just chalk it up to him being an idiot. haha! but i stil feel kinda like a loser....
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Some guy stood you up? Scardey cat I say.

Good luck on the job hunt. Not to scare you but I've been searching for four months. I hope you have better luck than I do.

Now hit that gym and blow off some steam!
Yeah, keep the hair. Very few women are able to rock the bald look proper. Let's not experiment right now. haha

I'm fairly certain I haven't bailed on a woman, but plenty have on me. So I feel your pain. We should share it... with drinks? Maybe a movie? Dinner, perhaps?

MAN, I'M SMOOTH like Ex-Lax.
So, just waking up.. Yes, I know it is an amazing luxury to be able to wake up at noon on a monday (or on any day). But i'm just gonna tell you right now about the boredom that ensues for me here shortly. My boss is putting together a very large scrapbook with pictures of all of his former homes, girlfriends, and like every...
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I'm still going to do 1000 crunches a day and ask out every woman I happen to meet. Eventually, one of them will say "yes". LOL

Nah, I'm not that out-of-luck. confused Apparently, making women laugh... does wonders. SO THEY SAY. I wonder if the level of joke she falls for determines what kind of woman she is? Like if you tell her a knock knock joke and she laughs hysterically, does that mean she's too easy?

"OMG that was soooo funny... DO ME."
I have like a million photos as well i need to do something with. You can help me sort them out smile
Well, i'm really glad my set is finally up for you all to see! Thanks to everyone who's been showing me love and appreciating my set. I just moved into a new place in los Angeles and am kind of busy trying to get settled, but i like the new place and even though I'm tired it's fun figuring out where everything is gonna go...
Beautiful photos...
Good luck with your move in!
And good luck with having your set going pink!
It was such a beautiful, fun, creative set smile
Yay! i guess i should pay more attention to my e-mail and updates on my sg profile... I'm so excited to find out that my set is gonna be up for member review soon! I've been wanting to be a part of suicide girls for quite some time now... At the moment i am in Kansas City visiting the fam and some old buddies of...
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Amazing work on your set! Absolutely loved it! How long you been in SD? Love that City!
I like your set! smile Welcome!!!

Gates BBQ....goooood stuff!!