A young man on the town with more money in his pocket than he knows what to do with is a dangerous thing. I've got ambition, I've got drive and dedication to my own creative advancement but. I've also got a little time to kill and a sense of adventure. Who wants to take the city this weekend?

Also is there a soul out there...
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By looking at your favourite SG's, I take it you like big breasts??.. hehe.. perfect.. all those girls are SO beautiful.. and happen to have amazing racks!!! love
My horrible secret is out. Apparently all the good girls are from out of town though.
Here's to having the goods to back up the talk, enough cash to do what you need to..and what you want to and losing enough weight to fit in to that medium dillinger four shirt I bought 3 years ago. This here is a good summer.
The secret is eating like a 5 year old. Cherrios, cranberry juice, apples and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...I shit you not. Oh yeah and tossing around 40 to 50 boxes several times a day doesn't hurt either.
Hi smile
I fall in and out of love with my job every 6 months. And when I say out, I mean out. I feel like I'm trying to prove a point of some sort by sticking it out. I've seen so many people come and go there's a sense of accomplishment that I'm still around, Plus I have a solid position and I'm being paid fairly...
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Hey Hello Hey,

What good is going on in the east bay or bay area at large? Why aren't we hanging out right now? Submit answers now.
Hello sir...... blush

What good is in the East Bay you ask? Nuuuuthin. It stinks! biggrin Well, unless your into the Pirate Punk scene. Then hell yes there is plenty to do. Not my cup-o-tea... but to each his own. I dwell within the Beast Bay for the cheap rent and not much more.

Cheers!.... and holla? Is that what you crazy kids say now days?
There are always some good local shows going on in the Bay Area. Look up who is playing at The Pound, Bottom of the Hill, The Filmore or the Avalon Ballroom in SanFrancisco. You can also try The Gilman in Berkeley. Have fun and write back if you hear about a good show.
Irish Johnnie and Saratoga Sarasota...you're alright.

There's nothing like intimidating an older larger man who could easily take you out in a bar fight by making fun of him and the illusion of being all muscle.

You could be a lot worse off than having the story of your life being filled with people who know they should kick your ass for things you've said...
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"Why don't you just give me a sandwhich board that says 'male prostitute'?"

The things you do when you love a record too much. I vow not to post too much of this sort of thing but anyone who enjoys themselves some angry punk/hardcore should check out


and buy this record from me.

<img src="http://www.1234gorecords.com/images/myspace.gif">
lets try this again.

"I wasn't lying! I was writing fiction with my mouth!"

Add that to the things I wish I'd said first.
I'm going to have to use that one next time, but only if I've already lied and said I was a writer.
Dude, I just noticed you wrote Cry Baby as your first favorite films. And Fight Club. Nice.

I am now officially in love with you.

Granted, I'm willing to overlook the Rocky Horror note. I thought the age limit was 21 for that.
Telephone call from Istanbul

All night long on the broken glass
livin' in a medicine chest
mediteromanian hotel back
sprawled across a roll top desk
the monkey rode the blade on an overhead fan
they paint the donkey blue if you pay
I got a telephone call from Istanbul
My baby's coming home today
will you sell me one of those if I shave my...
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ok, that's screwed up.

I just did a google search to find the lyrics for "Telephone call from Istanbul",


this was the first hit
haha unreal! What's weirder is the number of people who have covered it. I mean it's not exactly an obscure song...but it's not really one of his more popular ones either.

[Edited on Feb 25, 2005 7:53AM]

What's even funnier is the number of people who covered it and misspelled it like I did.

[Edited on Feb 25, 2005 7:55AM]
I started a myspace page for my label if anyone would like to befriend it http://www.myspace.com/1234gorecords there's some streaming songs and some fancy offers of free stuff from time to time. Indeed.

Anyone who may have tried to come out to ye olde golden bull to see me on wednesday recently...I apologize for not updating sooner. I haven't DJ'd in awhile and I'm not sure...
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i recently put a myspace page together as well.

i only have 3 friends, so i'm totally gonna mooch off your offer!


i spend way too much time messing around on the computer.
Special note to anyone in the bay area. I DJ every wednesday night at The Golden Bull on 14th and Broadway in Oakland from 10pm to 2am most nightes but on occasion 8pm to 2am when there's a show as well. Show nights I'll be playing punk and hardcore (good hardcore not metal) from '70 to '04. Solo nights I'll be playing the same but...
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Hey I'll definitly be there this wednesday and next. I think there's a show both nights and I'm not sure what bands are playing but if you show up around 11 or 12ish it should be over and I'll be there till 2am!
That is just the coolest username. I just had to come and tell you. smile