
Ive never believed in the concept. I will go one further than that, I think it is detrimental. Plato had his forms, but the concept was as bad then as it is now. The best horse in the world is 99% close to the form of the perfect horse??? Forget that nonsense. We can look at any guideline for aesthetics you want and you...
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So stop being so damn hard on yourself and chasing some impossible dream.

What if you love chasing that impossible dream? But then again, what I view as impossible might be something that is easily attainable for someone else.

I'm pretty simple I don't want crazy things...but actually having them seems crazy to me. I want to live a happy, healthy life. I want to get married and have kids...and single handedly change the world.

Anyway...I love this blog smile Hope you're having a great beginning to your week.
The kindness of Strangers.

One of the things that struck me most about living in Japan was the kindness of strangers. You could ask someone for directions, and not only would they try to explain where you should go, many times they would actually take you there. From helping me to figure out which train to take, to teaching about the proper way to wear...
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True. Just true....... smile What else can I say.
"We are living in an age of fear, and fear is what keeps us from being who we want to be"

and I my friend am walking out of this mentality. smile
I kind of feel like im walking in quicksand lately. I cant get past the concept of life as a board game. Somewhere along the way that popped into my head and I havent been able to shake it out. This idea that we are moving towards some goal, and that yesterdays accomplishments count for something. You got to school, survive adolescence, go on to...
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That is so true. If you aren't enjoying where you are (and I mean overall, cause generally parts of life suck and everyone has to bite the bullet and do things that they dislike at times) then there is no point being where you are or doing what you are doing! Which has been a huge battle I have had with myself about being in Japan away from my family! So yeah. Good truthful rant!
I know what you mean. I feel like I must have misread the rules to the game, because what I thought was the "linear progression" in my life turned out to be a lot of circles...maybe even spirals.

So I'm just gonna sit here on the dock, dangle my feet in the water, and wait for the next ship. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
According to Newton objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Inertia is a powerful force that weighs us down. The first movement takes the most amount of energy. Once you get that ball rolling it becomes easier to speed it up or maintain it. Im now in state of deep inertia once again. The good news is that every time I find myself in...
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That is very introspective so late or early depending on how you look at it. Unfortunately it is very true-I don't think any of us realize the impact that action or non action causes to we're older and have a chance to experiance different life offerings. Sadly some people will never understand because they lack the comfort of self and Life evaluation. Sometimes I catch myself in a pissy mood and just the gesture, the negative energy vibration is enough to cause more chaotic events in the day. So I usually try to WOOSSAAAA shake it off and keep trucking. That also takes the balls to look at your self and take some responsibility for why crap might be happening. That is a humbling moment. But not half as humbling as your moment, which you will HAVE to share with me!!!!

Ciao doll
Evangelin ooo aaa
Another year is almost finished. Its truly amazing that time just marches on whether youre ready or not. I think when youre a kid time appears to be moving slower because youve got so little responsibility. As you get older it moves faster because those responsibilities start to pile up.
Yay! Happy 2008!! kiss

Thanks for your comments. I thank you always. smile