Fuck me, I spent far too much money last month. I just calculated that my entire pay for this month isn't gonna cover my bills. I'll be living off tinned tomatoes again I guess. Bollocks.

On the upside, at least it means I'm forced to let my liver recover from the holiday boozing. I may even get healthy.... nah fuck that. wink
I keep dreaming of giant toads living on the beaches of an island in the pacific.
I really must get myself a new job soon. I suppose there is a time in life when new scenery is needed. I have to live in London. I'm only a few train stops away, but the extra cost has caused me to neglect this wonderful city. I only get out there about once a month now and that sucks worse than a breast pump....
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Grr. Back at work already. I used to love this time of year but the older I get the more it sucks. mad