As you all read this keep in mind this happened after I posted my last post on sunday june 12, at about 1 in the morning.....I did try to take my own life with a kitchen knife and slashed at my wrists.

However North Porvidence Police came to my door when I had the knife to my throat and put a tazar on me. They...
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yeah I'm really pissed and not interested in any excuses

i guess some people are just possesed with themselves and their own needs

sure they are on holiday and you have to make the most of your time, but that don't mean you can trample on other people's lives

Ok. I'm checking out your story. If that scene went down like that here the cops would have shot you, so I guess your lucky. I understand that kind of pain. I also recognized some of what you were doing on the boards tonight,( this morning too). You need to realize that you need to ease up on starting street fights with a mob.
I relate to your angst. ( however it's spelled ). Yes and that to ;..I'm shamed that people haul down on any fault they think they see in another to feel better about themselves. There are a lot of efete pukes in this world.
I never meant you personal harm and if I added to your pain , I do appologize.
Been having some fun on the boards here lately but that hasn't calmed the storm in my head. Still think about suicide on a daily basis and its a tough struggle. Today wasn't bad woke up at my parents house (didn't feel safe here) went to church asked for fogivness (inside joke to those that read my post on the boards) and then headed home....
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holy shite I haven't updated since the 18th....jeez people must think I"m dead or missing or well they just don't care. Either way here's an update.

The following weeks have been a real drag, I've been quite depressed and we all know what comes with depression. Loneliness, feelings of worthlessness, loss of ambition, suicidal thoughts or urges all this has happened in the past what...
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the best way to "fix" the situation would be for you to open your mind & understand that your religion doesn't govern the whole world - just you & the other people who believe in it. i am a pretty religious person myself (unitarian universalist), and even though i think that the guidelines of life set forth by my church are wonderful & ought to be followed by everyone, i would never force my religion upon anyone - not personally, not through government legislation, or any other means. if people are into an idea, they will fall in line without being forced. and if the majority of the nation is into an idea proposed to them by the government, they will vote yes, which is obviously not the case on this point, so i think you right wingers oughta stop trying to push it.
audio works so much better than text - like the time I posted an mp3 of Sheehan describing the terrorists in Iraq as "freedom fighters"

it kills any possible denial
Wow what a day. So many of my favorite SG's had picutre updates what a pleasent day. Plus Charm man oh man what a SG love But it wasn't all oggling today. I had to call triple A once again because my car is being horribly stupid. But I think me and my father fixed it today. Also went to my doctors today and told him...
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I should have been zotted so many times.....I must have a guardian angel.
it's going to be fun! but you know, i already know some of the band members ahuauhu
i have no groupie expectations lol!
OK yesterday was quite a horrible hectic day. First off I got up to the phone ringing saying that my dad was having a panic attack so I had to rush over to my parents house to try to calm my dad down and wait for EMS to come and check all his vital signs. He checked out OK so they didn't have to take...
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aww i hope ur gecko's ok. losing a toe is not good frown actually, my toenail is wack, i mean something fell on it, it was pretty painful and i got this blood clot in it @_@

and thank you.
for the past comments too.
ive just been soo...wrapped up with everything. no time to sit down and do much. it's weird because ive been home haha.

just family stuff i suppose.
i hope your dad will be okay though.

im tired and i should get some sleep... too busy trying to work on this trip because my relatives' plan changed everything. it's alright though. everything happens for a reason biggrin

i wonder where life will take me next.. ah.
ill talk with you soon. gnitee kiss smile
No problem guy.. I'm so tired of some of the closed-minded ultra-liberals that post on the news and it's all just attack-attack and what they say about our military really irks me as I have friends and alot of coworkers that served/still serve in defense of our nation. Let their hate slide off you and realise it's only hurting them.
I will have a new post and update for you but not tonight. I had to take my gecko to the vet tonight and all the rushing around and high tension involving the issue has worn me out. I promise I"ll update on that and my Republican rantings tomorrow at some point

thanks tony.
ohhh i have no clue. i totally don't know now.
i'll let you know btw
Enter into the MInd of a freeranging Republican:

OH does that scare you that I'm republican (R) that I"m not some nutjob left wing liberaliast that thinks Bush is satan himself. I"ve grown tired of reading in the current event boards all this negative press that the Repulican party gets on everything from the smallest thread it can start and then it just groes exponencially....
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had a good couple of days lately. Had one bad day but I don't feel like writing a saga about it. Not that there's anything wrong with that some people feel they need to do that but I just rather not.

I'm tired of people putting up a facade of fancy intelligence and all knowing-ness. Especially 18 year olds. Try joining the millitary first and...
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Today was a busy day. Got up around 8 am after not being able to go to sleep until 2 or so. Didn't sleep much either so that was another deciding factor. But I had an appoitment with my job/college coach at 10. Gave my cat milk and cookies for all the pain shes had to suffer after her spaying monday, showered and had a...
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glad ya like my pic ! biggrin
i took it, i just snapped and that was it.

im not taking summer classes. too tiring. i might work and visit some friends. i hope so at least.

lol i think it's crazy everytime i think about my friend being an SG, cause it doesnt feel like it. now shes just a friend but of course, everytime i spend with her is great.

i wish i could speak french. im taking it next semester. and nope i havent gotten a lapdance yet. i dont know if i could evennn deal with that. maybe if i were drunk. it's impossible to get drunk at a strip club without spending like 30 bucks on drinks! at least for me @_@

and thank ya. positive energy is hard to keep, i have my ups and downs. but overall, id consider things so far as positive smile thanks for the brilliant comment. hope ur well. and talk to ya soon ! biggrin kiss
it a belgian beer, if they don't have it try another amber or light belgian beer.
I have a terrible migrane today....but its the first one in a few weeks so I can't really complain all that much. What I can complain about is the fact that I can only take 2 codeine in 24 hour period. That really sucks some llama balls. On top of that I have to go to the market.....I'm out of everything including cat food which...
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yeah... migraines are bad.
ive been having them.

i feel better today.
sleeping helped.

and yeah.
i dont mind too much when my friend gets me sick. unless they're annoying. lol.

ah. hope things are cool.
i need sleep again. smile
wah, thanks a lot! blush