i'm selling my car.................and it sucks
MeeeeeYoooooW!!!!!!!!! tongue kiss tongue
I really have no idea why the hell you are doing that.
so i thought i found this place that was selling a few driven boards.i orderd the last few of the poster series decks that they had.i was so happy...........then i get this friggin e mail from paypal saying i've got a credit in my account.so now i have no boards.....and money i can't spend..........i fucking hate the internet!!!! i curse it's very being! it killed...
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its at the bottom of this can of beer.
"I don't care if i die.I drive fast to die.Who cares?It would be better if i was dead.I wouldn't have to worrie about taxes,people calling me up,and i have to do something,tickets.I wouldn't even care if I died right now,Big deal.Oh I'm scared."

Jason Jessee December '89
Transworld interview.......

god i love that guy.......
"Everyday I wake up and think, ' Cool another day where I can die'"

i love your coffin caster smile
i've been playing video boxing for two days straight..........my thumbs hurt.
ok......the strangler is back! rock n' roll's in the deep all day,only ate shit twice......so that's that.
i hate little kids......i pushed this kid into the bowl after he rolled over pretty boy's hand.he was doing a back side layback with his hand on the copping,and the little fucker just rolls on by like nothing's happening!he would have landed that fucker!!!!!oh well.....into the deep end...
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I need the proper name of the division of your club....

Ah shit..Il just find you on AIM.

Its for the intro to the set.
there is a skate park in my backyard...when i moved in i decided i would be the cool older lady that buys alcohol for the cute underaged skater....then i noticed they are all 12...and fat.

you should come over and kick their asses.
i'll play the part of the cool older lady that seduces you with large amounts of alcohol and steals your virginity.

hubba hubba
ok,so pretty boy is picking me up to take me to skatelab.i haven't been on my board in months,and now i'm kinda freakin' out.i'm trying to think of ways to get out of it.but that's just gay huh?next to making people cry,skating is my only outlet,so why should i be freaking out?
oh well,let's just hope i don't break something......i got bad luck with that...
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suck it up and ride
Have you been to the skatepark in Glendale? I heard it's one of the best around. One day I'll shred... Hope it all worked out for you.

Getting out more is good...
ok,no more slapshot for you fucks.ah hell,most of you fuckers listen to that whiney emo shit anyway."cry core",ha,so gay.....i'll give ya somethin' to cry about!

don't get me wrong,i love the little emo bastards,i really do.the guys make great punching bags,and well the girls.....looser than a north vegas slot machine.
"cry core" that's classic
ok.......here's some more slapshot for you fag's......

"Crossover Sucks"
greatest hits,slashes,and crosschecks 2003 cd

You sing about such bullshit,like your from the streets
you say "YO" to your friends,and everyone that you meet
like your from the city,i laugh at you all
cuz your from the suburbs,and you work at the mall.......hahaha

take your turntables and throw them away
crossover sucks,crossover sucks
hiphop and hardcore,that's...
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