The coolest dream...

So I had the coolest dream. When I went to take a nap tonight around 6pm I knew from the get go that I'd have trouble falling asleep. I knew this because A) I was having trouble falling asleep and B) I'd been drinking caffiene recently. I kept startling awake. One time because I was throwing a ball in a dream and...
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That's a really good idea, thank you!
Interesting dream. You should write it in story form, and sell it to a mag.

I ocassionally have dreams within dreams, each of which get more vivid the deeper I go (I have dreams within dreams within dreams up to seven layers deep before.) The weird things is, to get out I always have to force myself to wake up and always have to wake up through each consecutive dream when I do.

I like the profile pic too. If you meet her in your dreams again, send her into mine :-)
When I sleep too much or eat just before bed I get weird weird dreams. Both are, I think, caused by the pain of sleeping too much (my back is farked) and the discomfort of acid reflux (which is what happens when I eat just before bed). Somehow this induces FUCKED up dreams for me.

In one dream, I was dog sitting my very old...
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That is the plan for tomorrow, as apparently (and unfortunately) the disc of Dead Like Me I got from netflix today is the wrong one. So I watched "Unbreakable" instead and found it as mediocre as I did the first time.
I had a very weird dream last night related to psychiatric therapy and some bad stuff from my past. I ended up in a shrink's office surrounded by nurses and the doctor herself trying to keep me from strangling the guy who tricked me. I remember grabbing him by the throat with both hands, lifting him into the air and pinning him in a corner....
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I am always having those very weird dreams. Last time, I time traveled to beyond the point at which time exists!
That's probably true. The game developers were very proud of themselves and their use of "creepy eye movement" in this chapter of the series.

Also, I think she looks sort of crazy, like a mental patient or something.
"I don't love you anymore. Goodbye." That's a quote from Closer for ya. It's about the best way of describing the way I am in any kind of relationship, friendship or otherwise. A point is reached and I cut people out. Goodbye. I never thought I'd find myself empathizing most with a crazy lying stripper girl played by Natalie Portman. Of course, it may be...
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In my dreams when I run it feels good.

The difference between how we see ourselves and how we really look is enough to kill.
Weird shiiiit. I'll X-post some astrology stuff later. It reads pretty true to me, oddly enough. Better than most personality tests. Oh, my personal slogan is "Indecision kills". I should put that on my profile somewhere.

Anyway, I figured I'd mention a costume with it being holloween and me being bored. See, my math teacher says we'll get extra credit if we show up for...
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A history of Violence.

Is what I went to see today. Good movie. Very good movie. It's got the twists and the turns and the violently funny moments. The first thing that really surprised me though was the sexuality. Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude. Even so, I was a little surprised when the female lead was showing her bush through lacy white panties....
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Well, this morning I was woken up by a rattling/crashing noise and a lot of meowing. I tried to go back to sleep and ignore it but there was this constant meowing that wouldn't stop. I decided to check it out and found one of the neighborhood cats, a skinny grey, on my patio. She had attacked the screen on one of my windows and...
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you're awesome smile
Cheap photographer anyone?

No, not me, I'm not schooled in that but I know someone who is! He's up in northern virginia but may be willing to travel for his craft, not sure. Anyway, he's a really talented guy fresh out of college with a bachelors in something artsy and related to imaging. He can do digital or film and really knows his shit. As...
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Two interesting things to mention. First, today I was testing my connection speed to see how it was doing. I was rather irritated when I found that I was only getting around 800kbps from pcpitstop. A different bandwidth tester that uses local data center servers (from the same state as me) was showing me 1.2mbps. Even so, that wasn't fast enough for me. I'm supposed...
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