One of my roomate's rats died,
He was a bit of a bully to his brother but much more well behaved around people.
All in all.. he was a good little guy and he will be sorely missed.
I had trouble pronouncing his name so I always just called him my little Hymen.
Heinrich... I finaly learned how to spell your name... you'd have...
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Internet tomorrow
I'm at Dana's
Ian states that she has farty pants.
Dana states this is impossible... for she does not wear pants.
"awww, you were raised on mac's... thats like being raised by wolves."
Mac's are shit-apples and I <3 Dana-tron.
well she is a veggie but i dont think a vegan. but she is not a hippie....

but you right there is a lot of lesbians here but there are a lot of gay people in general here which i think is kind of a good thing tongue
i have two older step sisters. one is pregnant.
H-okay so... still don't have the internet I'm at my brother's house and I like to tease him with my account... while shielding the screen form my gross homophobic father...
The bad roomate is gone.. Natalie has moved in with us.
I'm going all out for halloween, haunted graveyard at the girls house... I even bought a smoke machine and like an 8 foot tall...
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Just got back from Vancouver, tons of fun.. very sick... I won't have a computer until psycho roomate is out so... none of this for awhile,

I guess you'll see that when you get back.
Dear little grade nine girls,
Please stop following me around.. stop trying.. you're way creepy, way young and way too giggly and you need to stop trying to talk to me.
ps. When your black makeup covers more of your skin then is left exposed, you're wearing too much.
pps. You also smell funny.
I was AWESOME in grade 9.

I wore a lot of eyeliner.
Today I decided to test if the girls were big enough for the big cage.. and they are.. so, lucky wee bitsies gets uber big cages. then I took pictures
Wish my cage was that big.
Directions: Type "(your name) is", (with the quotes) into a Google search, cut-and-paste the first 10 responses that work. Just pull the answers right out of the excerpt google shows you, don't click the link and search around. The only rule is that each one has to start with "(your name) is".

1. Vera is an abnormal increase in blood cells
2. Vera is a...
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so yesterday... I found my roomates camera.. oh boy
then I played with ratties,
first the girls
then the boys
then Tara decided it would be fun to treat somone like a toddler.. so I figure, my life's pretty dull, yeah sure why not, So she fed me with a spoon, then she brushed my teeth (Claire took pictures). Then she tucked me into...
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Farewell the ashtray girl
Forbidden snowflake
Beware this troubled world
Watch out for earthquakes
Goodbye to open sores
To broken semaphore
You know we miss her
We miss her picture