So I've earned my death by spork... some updates for those of you all who are interested.

1: Work is driving me bonkers... I used to think I worked with trainable monkeys, now not even bannanas keep them in line. The amount ofstupidity and ineptness that these peopel show in a high level of customer service job scares me. This are frusterating me more and...
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oh the pictures weren't your present...i have been busy constructing a mole-pelt coat for you (you're a medium, riight?). So they aren't quite as soft as chinchillas, but hey...its the thought that counts.

and i am online right this minute...now where are you!
I promise a large update in the next day or two... if I don't do it you can all come find me and impail me with sporks so atleast when I die I make the cover of some news rag somewhere... "Extra Extra!! Read all about it... Angry mob kills man with cheap lunchroom objects"
hehe... wellit would be a unique way to die.. I'm sure it might even make some local news stationwink
I seriously should update more too... So I've got no grounds to speak tongue
I know it has been a while since an update... work has been crazy as hell getting ready for Black Friday.

I work later today... a closing shift atleast... opening is madness... lines of 600+ people already there before you open... chaos, madness... greed... it all stinks.

I've been in a bit of a funk latley... still not heard back from Seattle... tired of work...
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So... no updates for a while... work has been nuts... damn holidays...

Eggnog is near... HUZZAH... and what do the peasants do when they hear the news... yes that is right boys and girls... they rejoyce!

I've still not heard back from Seattle... almost 2 weeks... I'm getting nervous.

I've found myself daydreaming alot lately... dunno if that is a good thing or a bad...
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eggnog, even the name sounds evil. And daydreaming is ok, as long as your not about to cross a road or something.
i agree with ashykat...

eggnog = puke

i mean.. what is nog anyway? how do you make nog? its sounds to much like.. bog... bog of eternal stench.. hah anyway..

im sick as a dog right now.. it sucks...frown

i hope you have a happy thanksgiving!
Wow... long time no update... and this will be nothing profound... sorry.

Work has been hell, busy busy busy and my coworkers are getting dumber, dumber, and dumber.

I've been working like hell and on my time off just trying to relax and rest. Very little internet time for SG... mainly music, a few films, and a bit of WoW... *shrug*

We'll see... I've still...
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wow i can relate with the co workers bit. dumbasses...........
things are definately looking better for me smile

world of warcraft is EVILLLLLL
no, seriously, it is.
I could write an essay on how evil it is. Apart from, I guess, because of it we got Posh's set... which was beautiful. #Hmm..

So I'm back from Seattle and I've been tagged... so before the wonderful 20 things about me... here is an update on the job front.

Interviews were today... a formal panel interview with 4 people... went well... good vibes from it. An informal interview with a person at corporate that I had worked with almost a year ago. Good thing is he remembered me... and...
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hee hee i have 2 lego ferraris my gf got me. and im trying to convince her to buy the ferrari lego truck! i need to grow up. one day but not now.
thank you for the love in the last journal entry smile

i know that things will get back to normal at some point - even if it's a completley different normal to what i've been used to in the past.

I fly out today for Seattle.... interviews are all Friday.... then I fly home Friday night...

Keep your fingers crossed for me... if anythign else it will be an adventure!
well, Hitchhikers Guide to Futurama would be a film, obviously! tongue

good luck! xxx
Good luck love!! remember, walk softly and carry a big-fucking-mallet wink
Ok... this is the best video I've seen in a long wile... check it out

Nintendo Accapella
Hitchhikers guide to futurama would be amazing wouldnt it?
maybe we should make it!!

happy halloween!!
How things take a turn...

Seattle called me back... they really want me up there... I've been offered a position in the pay structure I want... factoring cost of living changes is is roughly a 13 to 15% raise...

I fly up to Seattle next thursday and my interviews start on Friday in the afternoon!!!

Wish me luck!!! If all goes well I'll be Seattle...
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good luck darling!!!

yes..you're right.. sometimes giving up and letting go is the only option, hard as it is.

hope you're having a great weekend xx
Life sucks... I was offered to go up to Seattle to interview for the job... but as of now I've turned it down... as I can't afford it. I would have to take about a 10% pay cut to go up there... roughly the same as the cost of living difference which would be cool except my expenses would actually go up (I live at...
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b/c the moles conspire to bring us down...

we must retaliate with hand grenades and bigger mallets
because it has ups and downs and its uckin annoying, youll find something. dont worry smile