every time I plan to get this damn tattoo done something comes up... today i woke up sick and was unable to get outta bed all day, by the time I felt human it was too late fer me even to call my tattoo artist to see if he could stop by on his way home. And then because of a glitch in my...
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good luck on the blind date don't self prophesize about being stood up though. Yeah i'm just going to act normal I was having a bad day that day so screw it.
yeah, i love my kitty. miao!! he's darling
surreal Another blah day behind me, with little to show for it... i few spent dollers, some tire tracks left in the snow, and yet again no hint of anything resembling the beginnings of a relationship... but atleast tomarrow if everything goes right I should be getting the start of my new tattoo done - a dagger on my shoulder, should be interesting to see how...
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Today they're beter. Mind you I've slept for 12 hours. I just can't win.
know the feeling man
Ok, I hopefully have my webcam working now, but since no one is looking at it I cant be sure. If anyone cares I will probably have it on whenever I'm in the chatroom. And for those who care I will soon have a new story finished and up for people to see

skull My Webpage skull
skull My Storys skull
Well, I rarely know what I want to say in these, so today Im just going to ramble alittle and maybe post a link or 2. I have come to the conclusion that my life sucks and that I really need to get out and find a girl, sitting at home on my ass with no one to cuddle with is getting really old, but...
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Ok, I just finished a new story, and I have decided to allow you all a first glimpse at it in its unedited form. so here is a link With a Twist

and the link to my current list of storys and poems hosted on literotica poems/stories

skull My Website skull
Yay 2 of my poems are now available on Literotica.com and hopefully soon my story will be up too. anyway here is the link to the poems

Poem 1
Poem 2

Thanks for your comments, and see you all around

skull My Webpage skull
Happy New Year all

Ok nothing special for a first entry.

Just a quick explanation for why I chose to become a member. I find Goth/Punk girls attractive, I also find girls who are secure enough with who they are to do sets like these to be mentally attractive, and I enjoy being able to have conversations with people with similar preferences.

A bit about...
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