mad frown mad puke puke blackeyed blackeyed

E.S. said it best:

"a distorted reality is now a necessity to be free"

if you want something more lucid, look at old enteries.

"cos it's raining in my heart"

. . .

"god knows why my country don't give a fuck."

A chosen name, in real life. It's not on my ID, how about that.
metaphor. umm, no. excuse me if that was funny and i'm being dense i just woke up. *stretch.* aqua teen marathon! that's how i spent my all hallows eve as well. smile
Just got back from Nashville. The TV on the Radio/Faint show was amazing. I danced so much I was glazed in sweat as I exited the building. Great show. After that PGMG and Death Cab could only be a let down. PGMG was really good, but lead singer didn't really exude the type of energy i expected. It didn't help that there were lots of...
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i saw that tvotr/faint show in atlanta a few weeks ago. AMAZING! well, the faint were at least.
So I'm going to see The Faint ( love ), TV on the Radio, PGMG, and Death Cab all next week. I'm so excited. I'm gonna be able to get out of this town for a while and get back in my homestate, one of the parts I like: Nashville, Church St, etc. I think I'm gonna make special T-Shirts just for the shows. Think I'll...
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where did you get the name "the letter G" ?

Is it from where I think it is???
Thanks for the advice, but...my love isnt blind. Its kinda complicated, but I'd be totally in love with this one dude, except for that sooo many people dont want us together. It's alot more complicated than that..but thats pretty much the jist of it. I guess I wrote that just venting off frustration. whatever
We're having a big party at my place for Halloween. I can't decide what I want to be. At first I thought ninja, but I wouldn't be much of a ninja with my mask off all night drinking beers. Then I thought goth ninja, then goth prep: paint my face up, wear a polo. All pretty lame. Any ideas?

and yes.

I'm trying to go as "das bride" but i need a bruce lee yellow jumpsuit. and sword... and to lose 30 lbs. and grow 4 inches.

maybe I'll go as a lawn knome instead. robot
I'm thinking about getting a lip ring. I dunno if I have the right look for it. I'm also not sure if it's even gonna be possible with work. Can you use a retainer as your initial jewelry? Then there will be the argument or five with my mom. And the possibility of infection, etc. scares me a little. I guess it would be worth...
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I think you'd look pretty good with a lip ring...however I have a thing for them....but unfortunately as far as I know, and I hang around that tattoo shop ALOT you cannot use a retainer as the initial jewelry.
I had a dream about an ex. My "first love" you might say. I haven't even seen/heard from her in a few years. We were Xmas shopping with my mom and then we watched some animated Disney show based on her. whatever
Naw, I work at Molly's La Casita... I think your ex symbolizes your ex and christmas is you dog and Disney is corporate greed and your mom is your dad... that all i got
maybe it means you should..

did you know elvis' closed down 2 months ago? how do you suppose that happens in memphis?
So my roommate and I thinking about having a Halloween party. There's this guy I know, sort of a friend, I guess. He's even more of a nerd than I am. Anyway, he had a cookout at the beginning of the summer and passed out flyers/invitations to everyone and basically said that no one except those he invited could come. No biggie. A few weeks...
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He has no right to invite vast ammounts of people to a party
he is not hosting.

Why don't you suggest that it would be better to have the
Halloween party at his house?

Why don't you insist upon it...be as insistant as he has been
in imposing upon you?

I have lost so much time and energy out of not following my
instincts; instead I have established relationships with people out of a misplaced sense of social obligation...and been drained by it.

Every reason he gives not to have the party at his place, counter it with a reason not to give it at yours...
he will then stop bothering you, and then you can (discretly)
invite the people you like to your own party.

This is not your work life, this is your social life, you don't
have to make excuses for who you do/do not like. Just obey
your instincts.
For my cross-cultural class tonight, I had to read some stuff, namely this interview with Foucault about architecture and social interaction. There were a few statements that seemed universal and/or immediately applicable.

....there always remain the possibilities of resistance, disobedience, and oppositional groups.

Liberty is a practice... never assured by the institutions and laws that are intended to guarantee them.

There is in this hatred...
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