I went to give my exam and then I went to Oma`s house (my grandmother) and I start to watch panda cam, guess what? Gao Gao was on vacations position too
and then a few hours later he was doing the other thing that he can do it better than sleep: EAT. So I make some print pages and I made this:
it is like if he were doing some abdominal exercises and eating at the same time
Guess who is gonna rock the FP again on August
Thanks to all of you amazing members of this page and the staff, it is like they knew that today I started my vacations, it was doubly rewarding. THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS again
Now I can do more fun pics because I know that you enjoy my work with Talena and that makes my really satisfied because the both of us are motivated and artistic people that love doing different and original things. So you are gonna have much more of the T&T Team
I wanna walk like a men in a new set for SG
I love the role play and I love using men suits, but I am to feminine for looking like a real guy, but I know that is not the idea here, so this the chance for free my mind in my androgyny
Kisses, peace, good parties and quality sex for all of you guys !!!
Terrox out.
Pretty baked right now and I just wanted to say: Thank you, for being you. You're an inspiration and an eye-opener