So we are reworking this song for our next upcoming video shoot. The song will be faster, more upbeat, the words are the same. I'm glad.

All these songs have a story. This one was no different.

I wrote this, for a friend of mine. I had an impossible crush on her, and it sucked to see her in one bad situation to another. It...
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Today was spent booking shows, ordering merch and approving designs from our manager and media person. I feel like a fucking grownup. And also, now I know why I hired people, I could never do this on my own.

I have no idea how to "brand" myself. I just play rock and roll... let them worry about it. If I'm not successful, they arent and...
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Talked with my manager tonight, we got some more gigs in all around the lone star state. including Corpus' house of rock in a couple of weeks and some more austin gigs. Manager just wants to keep getting bigger shows and venues with more relevant bands on the bills. Perfect
we played last night. Opened for RTC and their CD release party. Lots of people, lots of good times. A very pretty girl came up to me raving about our band and asked me to sign the CD. I've signed CDs before, especially on tour, but it's weird to do it in a local setting. RTC are good friends of ours, so it was fun....
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aw.. you're too kind
Thanks doll, feeling better each day smile *loves*
Ive been doing more writing. I need to finish the second draft of the script for the musical but I havent been inspired. Then I think about it. The stupid musical is about unrequited love. HA.
I live that most days. It should be easy. But then we start to put robots into it, and well it just gets weird
the band played last night in Austin. We needed a certain number to show up and say they were there to see The Loveletter specifically. We made the number... I'm stoked. It was nice to play a club where a good portion of the crowd were there to see us and we were more than just an opening act. Makes me realize how far we...
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had a cool dance lesson tonight. I learned how to waltz. look out ladies... im like a punk rock fred astaire
the music conference was awesome. met lots of cool bands, and got to drink with a singer I've always admired. passed out the cd to lots of venue people and promoters. Got some good leads. All in all, not a bad night.

Did two shows last night. I'm exhausted and dont remember how I got home. But... I remember being in the van with the band at about 3 in the morning on the highway. Someone else was driving. I feel alittle like that movie the hangover, hopefully no one got married last night
played a solo set last night. It went awesome.

The band is doing two appearances tonight. One is a songwriter circle that we are hosting. People can bring their instruments and play along with us. It's going to be pretty epic, the Gallery owner is expecting a huge crowd tonight. We always do well in that town, so this will be new.

I think things came to a head and I sort of called that girl's bluff. I dont know. I have this feeling I was being avoided and only called when she was lonely. It's a shame. Because even though I've been through a lot of hookups and bad relationships these always take their toll on me. I always have that pang of regret at least...
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Awe frown At least you figured it out before she hurt you herself.