The fourth of july as summed up by the drunk guy infront of me at the fireworks

"Blow that shit up! Wooo, America! Fuck yeah!"
Good day today, we are redoing our back yard, and picked up some Arborvitaes to line the back fence. Then we filled in the space with ceader mulch and are looking to get some color in it, not sure what kind of flowers will work tho. It felt really nice to get out side and get some work done/exercize, I haven't done that in such...
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I have been trying to beat the boredom as of late, reinstalled some games, been actually watching tv (buffy reruns), picked up a few new books, but nothing really has tickled my fancy. Although I am sure it dosen't help the fact that I am all but a hermet, on the rare occasion that someone actually wants to hang out or do something I will...
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Wow, I have been quite busy lately, between school and work. Actually I have begun to be a bit concerned about my health, since about last week I have been experiencing chest pains every now and again, that just doen't seem normal for someone my age. Other than that nothing much is going on, my serbian music collection seems to be growing muchly, I just...
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Dear Journal,
This season always depresses me.....no, not the christmas season, but end of the semester, I have always FUCKED it up somehow (like I do with most things), currently I feel as tho I may be failing most of my classes. Not to mention attempting to regester for next semester reminds me how much this college hates me and tries to screw me over.....get...
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Hey smile

thanks for commenting on my set..smilekiss ..glad you like it blush

Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad puke .

Hope 2005 brings you your dreams

easy to bitch
easy to whine
easy to moan
easy to cry
easy to feel like theres nothing in your life

harder to work
harder to strive
harder to be glad to be alive, but its really worth it
if you give it a try!
Uugggg, what the hell is goin on with me? In the past 3 days I have gotten around a total of 1 hours of sleep, and have had only one full meal, and 2 small snacks........strange thing is I am neither hungry or tired.........

Good god I love 7-11, I go in there often enough the the owner (joe) chats it up with me everytime I am in, AND gives me free slurpees..... biggrin
hi cute boy
free is always good smile
Roar! My recient schedule has been the suck! I wake up go to work, If school day (after work go to school, after school go to bed)...ekse work fuckin longer, then go to bed.

Bah! maybe I should just do away with sleep all together then I could have some free time, or maybe even do some homework now and again. bok

Current late night snack:...
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