How valentine's day can be crap if your single lol frown So gonna put head in my course work and pretend it aint valentine's days! altho i hope everyone out there has a good day, if your with someone and happy then you deserve it!

On an up side, poeple who replyed on my last post restored my faith in poeple in this world, was feeling...
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Valentine's Day is a stupid holiday.
It's just an excuse for companies to make more money.
And I don't think people should need an excuse to be romantic anyway.
If you're with someone, you should be romantic every day of the year, not just one day!
Most of the time Valentine's Day never lives up to your expectations, whether you're taken or single.
So have a good day, and fuck Valentine's Day.
It doesn't deserve your attention tongue
Why is it for the last 5 years iv found it impossible to meet someone who has the same music interests as me. Just dont get it frown confused
6/10 for me too smile
biggrin yay i didnt even expect anyone to reply lol feeling a little bit better now smile